Add to table of contents: PEDIGREE EXAMPLES pg 54 PEDIGREES pg 55
Pedigrees Pg. 55 Pedigree -Graphical representation of genetic inheritance. Carrier – carries the gene, but is not affected by the disorder.
Copy the pedigree into notebook: = carrier female
Colorblind tests
Sex chromosomes: XX = girl XY = boy
Sex-linked – controlled by genes on the sex chromosomes. normal=C, Colorblind=c XcXC = XcXc = XcY = XCY= Carrier female Colorblind female Colorblind male Normal male
What is albinism?
= carrier female
Page 54 1. Given the following genotypes, describe the phenotypes (normal=dominant, albino=recessive) AA = ________________________________ Aa = ________________________________ aa = ________________________________ 2. Copy this pedigree onto your page. Fill out the blanks with genotypes on the pedigree above.
3. How many children does this family have? _____ 4. What are the sexes of the children? ________ 5. How many generations are there?________ 6. What is the phenotype for the dark circle?______ 7. How many people have at least 1 a gene?_____