Supplies are not replenished or added to after being purchased. You will build a carrier that must safely deliver a passenger on the zip line. The carrier will move at a reasonable rate of speed along the line without bumping or jarring the passengers. The length of the traveling will last for 3 or more seconds. The carrier should be attractive and cost efficient. You may only use the supplies provided- which includes scissors, hole punchers, and rulers. Supplies are not replenished or added to after being purchased. You may make changes to the carrier during the first testing, but only with the supplies you have. You must keep a cost sheet of all supplies. This includes changes made during the Improvement stage. Keep accurate notes about the testing phase.
Item Price Cardstock Cups-3 oz. Paperclips Skewers Straws String Tape $1.00 per sheet Cups-3 oz. 50¢ each Metal Washers 50¢ each Paperclips 5¢ each Skewers 50¢ each Straws 10¢ each String 50¢ per foot Tape 50¢ per foot
Item Cost Amount Total Improved Carrier Sample- Tape 50¢ per foot 3 feet $1.50 Sub Total Improved Carrier Grand Total
ASK/ PROBLEM to be Solved: How can you design a zip line and carrier that will travel at a specific speed and deliver its passenger safely? IMAGINE/BACKGROUND: Write about Newton’s Laws of Motion and what affect gravity and friction will have on a zip line. Illustrate your thinking below. PLAN/ Zip Line Set-Up: Draw and label a zip line. PLANNING: Sketch your idea for the zip line carrier. PLANNING: Write reasons your idea is the best for your team. Choosing a Plan: Which design will your team use? Why? Sketch here if you need to.
TESTING DATA TABLE Line and Angle FINAL COST: Test 1 Results: Which line and which angle produced the best zip line for your carrier? Line and Angle Test 1 Results Test 2 Results What changes will you make to your carrier? Test 2 Results: Which line and which angle produced the best zip line for your carrier? Draw and label your final carrier. After watching all the carriers, what feature created the best experience? What modification minimized friction the best? FINAL COST: What was the hardest part of this challenge?
Personal Description Team Description I sketched a plan for the zipline and shared it with my team. I listened to ideas from everyone. I helped build the passenger carrier. My job was _____________________________________________________. I helped test each line and record the data. I helped to improve our carrier by suggesting new ideas. I completed my lab sheet by writing thorough and detailed responses. Team Description We worked together by talking about our ideas and choosing a good plan. We worked to have a good budget for the task. We followed all the task rules to build and test the zip line carrier. We kept all data about the testing. After we tested all the lines we used our data to choose the best. We improved our carrier for a final test. Our Zip Line was very successful. It looked great and zipped down the line very well. We worked together extremely well.
You may use only the supplies provided, rulers, and scissors. Your task is to build a container that will hold the Santa model. The container must hold Santa so that he will remain inside the carrier for the entire delivery. Santa needs to remain upright. The carrier will be attached to a zip line. Part of this task is to create the method of attaching the carrier to the line. Completed carriers will be presented and demonstrated to the entire class. You can decorate the carrier as part of the challenge.
Background What is your favorite part of Christmas? How can you build a carrier that will safely deliver Santa on a zip line? Background What is your favorite part of Christmas? Sketch your idea for the device. LABEL the materials. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List a step-by-step plan below. Describe what happened when you tested your carrier. 1 ________________________________________ 2 ________________________________________ 3 ________________________________________ 4________________________________________ 5 ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What changes did you make after the pre-test? Describe the final testing. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sketch your final carrier. Describe your success or lack of success and reasons for it. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What was your favorite part of this challenge? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________