ADVERBS Adverbs describe how, when and where an action takes place. They can modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.
ADVERBS Many adverbs are formed by adding the suffix –mente to the feminine form of an adjective. The -mente suffix is equivalent to the –ly ending in English. These adverbs tell how something is done. If the adjective contains a written accent, it remains in place when –mente is added. If there is no written accent, none is added.
ADVERBS WITH THE SUFFIX -MENTE Ejemplos: contento → contenta → contentamente rápido → rápida → rápidamente inteligente → inteligente → inteligentemente popular → popular → popularmente
ADVERBS WITH THE SUFFIX -MENTE Adverbs generally follow the verbs they modify and precede the adjectives they modify: Ella se viste elegantemente. Estoy absolutamente feliz con mi nuevo coche.
ADVERBS WITH THE SUFFIX -MENTE If 2 or more adverbs modify the same verb, only the final adverb in the series has the suffix –mente (the adjectives will all be in the feminine form): Estudiábamos intensa y cuidadosamente.
ADVERBS WITH THE SUFFIX -MENTE The construction con + noun is often used instead of the long adverbs that end in –mente: frecuentemente = con frecuencia cuidadosamente = con cuidado felizmente = con felicidad
COMMON ADVERBS & ADVERBIAL PHRASES a escondidadas secretly; clandestinely a menudo often a tiempo on time a veces sometimes apenas hardly; scarcely así like this; like so; in this way bastante sufficiently casi almost de costumbre usually de improviso unexpectedly de vez en cuando now and then en aquel entonces at that time en el acto immediately; on the spot
COMMON ADVERBS & ADVERBIAL PHRASES Ejemplos: Vamos de compras al centro commercial a menudo. El pollo está bastante cocinado. Pablo, escribe así, con letras grandes en el poster.
COMMON ADVERBS & ADVERBIAL PHRASES The adverbs poco and bien frequently modify adjectives In these cases poco is the equivalent of the English prefix un-, while bien means rather, well, very or quite El gato es un poco gordo. La comida está bien rica.