Grammar Warm-up: 44 SSR#2: Before you started reading this book/story, what hints did the title give you as to what this book was going to be about? SSR participation = 50 points Open planner with passwords for 10 points BIG QUESTION: How do rhetorical devices help express key ideas? Review Rhetorical Devices: power point walk-a-bout (you will need a highlighter) February 1, 2017 Wednesday Learning Target: Today I will analyze rhetorical devices, so I know how authors express key ideas to persuade their audience.
Grammar Warm-up: 45 Watch PBS video 4 minutes JWL#3: What was Congressman John Lewis advice to students? What can you do? Missing and late work goes in RED bin Review walk-a bout activity Watch “I Have a Dream” Speech BIG QUESTION: IS inequality present today? Highlight rhetorical devices as you listen FYI: Quiz on Monday on MLK speech Study notes and go to my website for extra practice February 2, 2017 Thursday Learning Target: Today I will analyze “I Have A Dream Speech” by Dr. Martin Luther King, so I know how it addresses the theme of inequality.
February 2, 2017 Friday BIG QUESTION: Is inequality present today? I Have a Dream Literary Analysis Reading: Analyze Persuasive Techniques Use book page 492 to complete 4 parts including essay (Due Monday) FYI: Quiz on Monday on MLK speech Study notes and go to my website for extra practice February 2, 2017 Friday Learning Target: Today I will analyze “I Have A Dream Speech” by Dr. Martin Luther King, so I know how it addresses the theme of inequality.
BIG QUESTION: Is inequality present today? Re-write Learning Target Grammar Warm-up: 46 Take out 2 handouts form Friday I Have a Dream Literary Analysis Reading: Analyze Persuasive Techniques 20 points Quiz MLK speech Answer 2 poll questions SSR #3: Write down the first sentence of your novel and cite it. Ex: (Smith 175). How does it draw you in? Explain. February 6, 2017 Monday Learning Target: Today I will take a quiz on “I Have A Dream Speech” by Dr. Martin Luther King, so I can show how it addresses the theme of inequality.
BIG QUESTION: Why is it important to be responsible for yourself? Put pink Student Scheduling Form in center of table and I will collect Re-write Learning Target & rate previous days LT plus fill in box on what you can do Grammar Warm-up: 47 JWL#4: Explain why some people enjoy activities that involve a degree of hardship. Use three of these words: attain, challenge, concentrate, display, frustrate Be prepared to share Listen to “Carry Your Own Skis” You will need a highlighter Exit Ticket PIE February 7, 2017 Tuesday Learning Target: Today I will listen to an essay “Carry Your Own Skis" so I can hear how the author uses reason and emotions to persuade the reader to be responsible for themselves.
BIG QUESTION: Why is it important to be responsible for yourself? Put pink Student Scheduling Form in center of table and I will collect Re-write Learning Target & rate previous days LT plus fill in box on what you can do… Grammar Warm-up: 48 SSR#4: As I read this, I want to learn more about… because… Explain. “Carry Your Own Skis” Essay prompt Rough draft due tomorrow Thursday: MLA one-page/double spaced Friday: share in small groups February 8, 2017 Wednesday Learning Target: Today I will write an essay based on “Carry Your Own Skis" so I can produce a clear analysis on how to be responsible.
BIG QUESTION: Why is it important to be responsible for yourself? Put pink Student Scheduling Form in center of table due by 3/13 Re-write Learning Target & rate previous days LT plus fill in box on what you can do… Grammar Warm-up: 49 (New) JWL#5: Write an acrostic V.A.L.E.N.T.I.N.E. poem. Review Diagnostic results “Carry Your Own Skis” Essay prompt Peer Edit Re-write in MLA format Tomorrow: share in small groups Each person needs a final copy February 9, 2017 Thursday Learning Target: Today I will write an essay based on “Carry Your Own Skis" so I can produce a clear analysis on how to be responsible.
BIG QUESTION: Why is it important to be responsible for yourself? Put pink Student Scheduling Form in center of table and I will collect Did you get my Remind notice yesterday? Re-write Learning Target & rate previous days LT plus fill-in box on what you can do… Grammar Warm-up: 50 (correction: underline Indirect object) SSR#5: What did the text leave you wondering? Explain. “Carry Your Own Skis” Essay prompt Staple to Essay Prompt Rubric (bottom) Your rough draft (middle) Your final copy (on top) Complete Share and Tag! You’re it! February 10, 2017 Friday Learning Target: Today I will share my essay based on “Carry Your Own Skis" so, I can present in a clear manner that is appropriate to my audience and task.
BIG QUESTION: How can you make your point more clear? Put pink Student Scheduling Form in center of table and I will collect (New) Re-write Learning Target & rate previous days LT plus fill in box on what you can do… Grammar Warm-up: 51 SSR#6: What issue in your book is the most interesting? Upsetting? Familiar? Ridiculous? Confusing? Review essay title and author in first few paragraphs and citation Rhetorical Device Activity Non Fiction TEST Wednesday February 13, 2017 Monday Learning Target: Today I will analyze how authors use rhetorical devices share so, I can determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text.
February 14, 2017 Tuesday Happy Valentine’s Day!!!! Put pink Student Scheduling Form in center of table and I will collect Re-write Learning Target & rate previous days LT plus fill in box on what you can do… Grammar Warm-up: 52 JWL#7: Why do you think that love is often associated with the heart, as opposed to other organs in the body? Non Fiction Activity Recognizing Parallelism handout Due tomorrow Non Fiction TEST tomorrow February 14, 2017 Tuesday Learning Target: Today I will analyze how authors use rhetorical devices share so, I can determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text.
Put pink Student Scheduling Form in center of table and I will collect Re-write Learning Target & rate previous days LT plus fill in box on what you can do… Grammar Warm-up: 53 SSR#7: While you were reading today, what did you picture in your mind about the story? Non Fiction TEST February 15, 2017 Wednesday Learning Target: Today I will take a non-fiction test so, I can show my understanding.