Unpacking the Grade 9 and Beyond Graduation and Post Graduation Plan Facilitated by Jennifer Bieber and Vanessa Lewis Highlights of Graduation and Post Graduation Plan Wall Walk Activity
Graduation and Post Graduation Plan Highlights of Graduation and Post Graduation Plan
Graduation and Post Graduation Plan Highlights of Graduation and Post Graduation Plan
Graduation and Post Graduation Plan Wall Walk 6 Wall Walk Stations: 1. Looking Within… 2. Looking at the Facts… 3. Looking for Information… 4. Looking at Strengths… 5. Looking to the Future… 6. Looking for Support… 1 5 2 3 2 4 3 6 2 Engage in discussions around each topic and record your conversations on poster paper and Google Doc. Rotate to next station when ‘bell’ rings One person should be prepared to provide a quick summary at end of wall walk rotation.
Graduation and Post Graduation Plan 7. Looking at Options… 1 5 2 3 2 4 3 6 2 See handout Pathway Presentations