Preparation for the IRRS mission in France in 2014 ___ Workshop on issues and trends arising from the European IRRS missions January 22nd 2014 1
Resources devoted to the IRRS preparation Contents Context Choice of scope Time schedule Resources devoted to the IRRS preparation Tools for the IRRS preparation 2
Previous IRRS missions in France Context Previous IRRS missions in France 2006 : full scope mission 2009 : follow-up mission New European directive on nuclear safety of nuclear installations 3
Choice of scope In 2014, a full scope IRRS review that includes, besides the required modules : Additional areas Transport Control of medical exposures Occupational radiation protection Control of radioactive discharges and materials for clearance Environmental monitoring Control of chronic exposures and remediation (Tailored module on Fukushima) Review of regulations relating to : Radiation sources applications Research reactors Nuclear power plants Fuel cycle facilities Waste management facilities Decommissioning Interfaces with nuclear security 4
Time schedule 5
Time schedule For a full scope mission, start the self-assessment at least one year in advance (but not too early, for the self-assessment to be up-to-date) Discussions about the IRRS team leader: to be planned at least one year in advance 6
Resources devoted to the IRRS preparation Self-assessment workload Around 3600 questions for a full scope mission Almost all national services involved (as well as some regional offices) Increase with regard to the workload for the preparation of the IRRS mission in 2006 Impact on other activities of the nuclear safety authority 7
Tools for the IRRS preparation Seminar with IAEA: Very informative training A milestone to engage everyone in the self-assessment SARIS tool Not used so far To better track changes during the answer phase To avoid loss of information in case of parallel use Planned to be used once answers are validated In particular for the analysis and the action plan 8
Tools for the IRRS preparation Self-assessment questionnaires Very detailed A potential for optimization A suggestion : Distinguishing several levels of questions for each module Anwering high-level questions would be required Answering detailed questions would be optional Without reducing the scope of IRRS missions 9
IRRS : a very useful mechanism for improvement Conclusion IRRS : a very useful mechanism for improvement ASN is fully committed to the IRRS preparation Suggestions to improve the IRRS self-assessment process: Optimize of the self-assessment questionnaires Strenghten the graded approach in the self-assessment: For each IRRS module, have the option to focus on high-level questions Without changing the scope of the IRRS 10
Questions ? 11