Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Created by Abraham Maslow According to Maslow, needs are like stairs: start at the bottom and work your way up. You cannot reach a higher level until your basic needs are met. At the base, our physiological needs for food and water. Move up the stairs to safety needs: shelter. Social needs are next: relationships. Near the top are esteem needs: respect and recognition. At the top, self-actualization: striving for self-fulfillment.
Self Actualization: Goal Setting. Being the best you, you can be. The need to know, to learn, to understand, to grow, and for social recognition. Aesthetic / Recognition Stage: Emotional Stage: The need to Belong. To Love and be Loved. Friendship & Companionship. To be a part of a group. Safety Stage: Emotionally, Employment, School, Family Stability, Familiar People / Places, Overall Security Physiological Stage: Basic Bodily Needs to Keep You Alive. Safety from immediate danger, Shelter against the elements, Food & Water & Rest for your body.
Write out how you have met each one of the levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy today so far. Physical / Physiological Emotional Aesthetic / Recognition Self Actualization