s a bus U N IT 3 12 a house 112 rapescriipts 1.1-3.4 1 see pl l 7 Where,s Montreal? It's in Canada. T 1.1 T 1.2 see p6 T 2.1 T 2.2 T 2 .3 .. see p12 T 1.3 T 1.4 T 1.5 see p7 T 2,4 Where's he from? T 2.10 see pl6 I His name's Kevin. He's from the United States. T 2.11 T 1.6 see ps Where are they from? C= Claude, H = Holly IC Oh, no!Look at the weather' 2 His name's Laszl6. He's from Hungary. 3 Her name's Karima. She's from Egypt. 4 Her name's Tatiana. She's from Russia. 5 Her name's Rosely. She's from Brazil. 6 His name's Simon . He's from England. 7 His name's Yong. He's from China. T 1.7 IA Hello. My name's Anna. What's your name? B My nam e's Marie. - H Ugh!It's awful ! · 2 He WMowb!Loo at my burger!It's fantastic' y urger 1s really good, too! · 3 C What's this building? H It's the Empire State Building!It's fantastic! 4 C Wow!Look at Central Park! H It's beautiful! 2 A Max, this is Carla. B Hi, Carla. C Hello, Max. Nice to meet you. 8 Her nam e's Hayley. She's from Australia. T 2.5 see pl3 3 A Hi, Eda. How are you? B Fine, thanks, David. And you? Very \V'ell, thanks. T 2.6 Cities and countries T 2.12 see pl7 Numbers 21- 30 Where's Barcelona? It's in Spain. It's in China. It's in Russia. It's in Egypt. It's in the United States. It's in Brazil. It's in Australia. It's in Syria. It's in Hungary. It's in England. T 1.8 Everyday English 1 A Good morning! B Good morning!What a lovely day! Where's Beiji ng? Where's Mosco\v? Where's Cairo? Where's Los Angeles? Where's Sao Paulo? Where's Sydney? Where's Damascus? Where's Budapest? Where's London? T 2.13 twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven thirty twenty-eight twenty-nine 2 A Good afternoon! B Hello. A cup of tea, please. 3 A B Goodbye! Bye!See you later! 4 A Good night! Good night!Sleep well! T 2.14 I 12 2 16 3 9 4 17 5 23 T 2.15 T 2.7 Questions and answers 1 This is little Becky. She's two. R = Rosely, B = Bruno T 1.9 2 Her name's Naomi.She's seven. He's Nathan. He's fifteen tomorrow. How old is she? She's 26. 5 This is Jeremy. He's 29, nearly 30. I A Good morning!How are you today? B Fine, thanks. 2 A Good afternoon! B Good afternoon!A cup of coffee, please. R Hello, I'm Rosely. What's your name? B My name's Bruno. R Hello, Bruno. Where are you from? B I'm from Brazil. Where are you from? R Oh, I'm from Brazil, too.I'm from Sao Paulo. ' "' . .: .. • 3 ·A Goodbye!Have a nice day! . B Thank you. And you. See you later. B ·Really? I'm from Sao Paulo, too! ' - U N IT 3 ;tl . ..,.,..! - ..·= R Oh, nice to meet you, Bruno. . . •"•·-. • 4 A Good night! Sleep well. . B Thank you. And you. • T 2.8 • T 3.1 Jobs 1 C Hello. I'm Claudia. I,m from Italy. 1 a teacher 6 a shop assistant 7 a nurse 8 a student 9 a businessman T 1.10 Vocabulary A Hello, Claudia.I'm Akemi from Japan. a doctor a bus driver 4 a police officer 5 a builder • 1 a book 7 a burger 8 a sandwich 2 C Hello. My name's Charles. What's your name? 2 a computer 3 a television 4 a phone 9 a camera B Hi, Charles. I'm Bud. I'm from the United States.Where are you from? C I'm from London, in England. B . Oh, right! I'm from Chicago. a photograph a bag s a bus T 3.2 T l.3 see p18 Kiran Patel 6 a c.ar 12 a house T 3.4 T 1.11 I see pIO 3 L Hi!I'm Loretta. Im from Sydney,Australia. 1 Hi, Loretta. I'm Jane. I'm from Australia, 1 What's his surname? Patel. T 1.12 see pl l Plurals • too. L Oh, wow!Are you from Sydney? J No, 1•m from Melbourne. 2 What's his first name? T 1.13 Kiran. 3 Where's he fron1? E11gland. a five books b three cars c eight houses T 2.9 Questions and anslvers 4 What's his address? 29, Victoria Road, Birminhalll • 1 Where are you fro111? I seven cameras nine photographs f ·two sandwiches g four computers h six buses i ten students I'm from Japan. 2 Wl1at's her 11nm e? 1-Ier name•s Tatlann. 3 What's his nan1e? His nam e's Fadl. 4 Where•s l1e from? He's from Amman. 5 What's this in English? It's a computer. 5 What•s his phone number · 07700 955031 6 Ho\V old is he? He's twenty. What•s his job? He·s a student. Is he married? No.he isn't. T 1.14 see pl l 112 rapescriipts 1.1-3.4