The War Years Part 2
War broke out August 1914 expected to be short Central Powers - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire Italy declared neutrality Allied Powers - France,Britain, Russia Eventually 20 other nations joined allies First Canadians sailed Oct. 3
Stalemate on the Western Front Early months, war fought on western front southern Belgium and Northern France Germans stalled early Sept at Marne River French and British took a stand ended German hope for quick victory Autumn 1914 - series of battles known as “race to the sea” Ypres - British stopped German attack
November 1914 - no side could deal final blow Trench Warfare - next 3 years produced only a stalemate “no man’s land” between trenches days of shelling - “over the top” most resulted in high casualties and little gain
New Weapons Staggering death toll due in part to new weapons machine guns poison gas [Germans, then allies] unpredictable 1916 - British introduced tank, used by both sides at end of war Aircraft - first for observation, then equipped with machine guns “dogfights” spectacular but little effect on war
Zeppelins (airships) used to bomb British coast Submarine used effectively by Germany British blockade, German navy no match but subs inflicted heavy damage Allies organized convoys protected by warships
The Eastern Front Front much larger than western front Black Sea to Baltic Sea Russia - largest reserve of manpower but suffered from lack of supplies and poor leadership with Serbia, battled Germans, Austrians, Turks 1915 Bulgaria joined central powers -with German aid overran Serbia As in west, heavy casualties but little results
Revolution in Russia 1915 - Czar Nicholas II took command of armies - poor results March 1917 - bread riots in St.. Petersburg led to revolution and downfall of Czar Provisional government vowed to continue war effort - morale was low soldiers left to go home, desire for peace
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Support for provisional govt.faded as war continued Radical revolutionaries, [Lenin] promised peace November 1917 -second revolution Negotiated treaty with Germany - signed March 1918 Harsh terms - lost 25% of land/population concern among allies-Germans concentrate on west