Sophomore English 1/11/16 – 1/22/16 Daily Agendas Sophomore English 1/11/16 – 1/22/16
Exit Task 3…2…1… What are three things you know about Rhetorical Analysis? What are two things you noticed from the article, In Defense of Empire? What is one thing you hope to accomplish before the end of the semester?
Daily Opener 1/11/16 What are the negative impacts of Imperialism?
Daily Agenda 1/11/16 Essential Question – How has imperialism influenced our world both past and present? Learning Target – I will read the story Shooting an Elephant and mark the text.
Exit Task What are your thoughts about the story? What did you like about the story? What did you dislike about the story? What did the story have to do with Imperialism?
Daily Opener 1/12/16 Look up Herbert George Wells on your iPad. What are three things you found out about this famous author?
Daily Agenda 1/12/16 Essential Question – How can questions increase your understanding of a text? Learning Target: I will answer differing levels of questions to increase my understanding of Shooting an Elephant.
Exit Task What is the connection between Imperialism and the story, Shooting an Elephant?
Daily Opener 1/14/16 What are norms for working together in group?
Daily Agenda 1/14/16 Essential Question – Are humans inherently evil? Learning Target: I will work collaboratively with my group in order to analyze the text, Shooting an Elephant.
Exit Task Evaluate your group today. How well did your group meet the learning target? What did your group do well? What does your group still need to work on? Evaluate yourself today. How well did you meet the learning target? What did you do well? What do you still need to work on?
Daily Opener 1/15/16 PIN Facts Write PIN Facts for your week Positive – Interesting – Negative –
Daily Agenda 1/15/16 Essential Question – Are humans inherently evil? Learning Target: I will work collaboratively with my group in order to analyze the text, Shooting an Elephant.
Exit Task 3…2…1… What are three things that happened in the story, Shooting an Elephant? What are two things your group did well this week? What is one thing you need to work on or could have done better this week?
Daily Opener 1/19/16 Think about your story Shooting an Elephant. What did your group identify as the central argument of main assertion of the story?
Daily Agenda 1/19/16 Essential Question – What strategies can improve comprehension of a text? Learning Target: I will work collaboratively with my group in order to analyze the text, Shooting an Elephant.
Exit Task Evaluate your progress today. What did you do particularly well? What did you specifically contribute toward the successful completion of your project?
Daily Opener 1/20/16 What are your thoughts regarding the Rhetorical Analysis Triangle? How does this help you analyze the Rhetorical Strategies in a text?
Daily Agenda 1/20/16 Essential Question – What strategies can improve comprehension of a text? Learning Target: I will use the Rhetorical Analysis Triangle to analyze the text, Shooting an Elephant.
Exit Task Take a look at your notebook. What is going especially well in your notebook? What do you need to work on before the end of the semester?