Bar Charts Tuesday, 21 May 2019
Example The bar chart below shows the types of films watched by a group of students over the weekend at the local cinema. How many students watched a thriller over the weekend? Which type of film was the most popular? How many students took part in this survey?
Example The results below show the a selection of year 7 students favourite lesson of the week. Represent the results in a bar chart Subject Tally Frequency Mathematics English Science Technology Art PE Drama/Music Humanities Foreign Language
Example The results below show the favourite plants from an “in bloom” committee. Represent the results in a horizontal bar chart Plant frequency Daffodil 12 Polyanthus 6 Begonias 15 Geraniums 2 Tulips 7
Example The bar chart below shows the distribution of GCSE maths grades obtained by my class last year. Which was the most popular grade? How many students were there in the class? What other information does the bar chart show? Frequency Grade