What does the word Hypothesis mean? Bell RInger What does the word Hypothesis mean?
Bellringer A hypothesis is an educated guess on what is going to happen next
What do scientist use to solve problems??? Science
That’s Right!!!! The Scientific Method
The Scientific Method I can name the parts of the scientific method. Learning Target: I can name the parts of the scientific method.
The Steps of the Scientific Method Step 1- Define the problem (make an observation) Step 2-Research the problem (ask a question) Step 3-Form a hypothesis (make a prediction) Step 4-Test the hypothesis (do a test or experimentation) Step 5-Draw a conclusion (analyze) The Scientific Method Song
The Scientific Method Explained Define the problem In order for the scientific method to be used, the problem must be identified. The purpose is the statement used to explain the problem. Research the problem Research may occur through various observations Includes using encyclopedias, textbooks, the internet, word of mouth conversations, as well as just looking. Form a hypothesis or an “educated guess” A testable explanation based on a set of observations A prediction may be made concerning the hypothesis.
Testing the Hypothesis The hypothesis will be tested through experimentation. All experiments should have different variables. Controlled variable (always stays the same) Independent variable (changed) Dependent variable (may or may not change depending on the “independent variable) A scientific investigation should only have one independent and one dependent variable. (always make sure to write the steps of the procedure in a neat and easy to read format)
Results of the Experiment Collect, analyze, and interpret the data from the experiment. Data- recorded facts or measurements Quantitative Qualitative Results are gathered from your data Remember that procedural errors can construe the results
Draw Conclusions Your hypothesis will be rejected or accepted based on the results of your experiment. If rejected, a new hypothesis may be formed and a new experiment may be performed. A conclusion will tell you what has been learned.
The Difference between the Truth and the “truth” Form a theory truth a theory can be rejected or modified over time through experimenting based on the results of your experiment Scientific law - a concise verbal or mathematical statement of a relationship between phenomena that is always the same under the same conditions
Models and Technology Models and technology can be used during the experiments or processes to help reach or solve problems.
Reproducible Information All experiments or investigations must be reproducible This leads to credibility, accuracy, and validity of the investigation
Matching Definitions Independent Variable - factor in an experiment that is purposely changes Hypothesis - a testable explanation based on a set of observations or an educated guess Credible - offering reasonable evidence for being believed Quantitative data - data collected using measuring tools; deals with number
Definitions Dependent Variable - Factor in an experiment that may change in response to the manipulated variable. Technology - Man-made uses of scientific knowledge Qualitative Data - Data collected using the senses. Controlled Variable - Factor in an experiment that a scientist purposely keeps the same: the norm. Inference - Logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience.
Definitions Data - Evidence; information gathered from an experiment. Theory - A statement based on the results of the experiment that may be changed or modified. Scientific Method - A process used to solve problems. Conclusion - Tells what one has learned from an experiment. Procedural Error - Mistakes made in conducting the experiment.
Definitions _______________Evidence; information gathered from an experiment. _______________A statement based on the results of the experiment that may be changed or modified. _______________ A process used to solve problems. _______________Tells what one has learned from an experiment. _______________Mistakes made in conducting the experiment.
Matching Game ___________factor in an experiment that is purposely changes ___________a testable explanation based on a set of observations or an educated guess ___________offering reasonable evidence for being believed ___________data collected using measuring tools; deals with number
Matching Definitions ____________Factor in an experiment that may change in response to the manipulated variable. ____________Man-made uses of scientific knowledge ____________Data collected using the senses. ____________Factor in an experiment that a scientist purposely keeps the same: the norm. ____________Logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience.