Comparing RS RecoTracks to CTF RecoTracks


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Presentation transcript:

Comparing RS RecoTracks to CTF RecoTracks A few comments on how these plots were made. The recoTrack kinematical variables • The recoTrack resolution plots • The efficiency and the fake rate of recoTracks

Tree Based Implementation 1) A CMSSW analyzer reads reco tracks and tracking particles from the Event and performs the association based on the standard associators (byHits, byChi2) or a custom defined associator. 2) For each reco track, and corresponding simtrack, a set of variables are saved as leaves in a ROOT Tree: - reco track: pT, φ, η, PT error, χ2/d.o.f., #hits, … - (associated) tracking particle pT, φ, η, ... - association failing/success boolean 3) A set of macros are written to read the tree and produce the final histograms on the fly.

RS vs CTF Two algorithms for reconstruction of “standard” charged particles from primary LHC collisions: RoadSearch (RS) and CombinatorialTrackFinder (CTF) CMSSW 1_6_0 (can find in UserCode/rwkelley/Validation) Ran over ~5k events from TTbar release validation sample (/RelValTTbar/CMSSW_1_6_0-RelVal-1189470628/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO )

Validation of Validation Plots

Validation of Validation Plots

Validation of Validation Plots

Validation of Validation Plots

Validation of Validation Plots

Validation of Validation Plots δ = recoTrackVariable - SimTrackVariable

Validation of Validation Plots

Validation of Validation Plots

Validation of Validation Plots

Validation of Validation Plots

Validation of Validation Plots

Validation of Validation Plots

Validation of Validation Plots