This or That?
1. A. Exctinction B. Speciation
2. A.Vestigial Structures B. Homologous Structures
3. A. Embryology B. Geographic Distribution
4. A. Evidence of Common Ancestors B. Evidence of evolving species
5. A. Nonrandom mating B. Artificial Selection
6. A. Mutation B. Overproduction
7. A. Absolute Dating B. Relative Dating
8. A. Natural Selection B. Artificial Selection
9. What does NOT belong? Fossil Records Homologous Structures Genetic Drift Geographic Distribution
Mutations Gene Flow Natural Selection Vestigial Structures 10. What does NOT belong? Mutations Gene Flow Natural Selection Vestigial Structures
11. What does not belong? Populations must have variations All populations must include mutations There are favorable variations within a population More offspring are produced in a population than will survive.