Rush University Medical Center Gift of Hope Organ Donation Collaborative Hawaii or Bust October 22, 2009
Or a dash through Peoria and Springfield in 24 hours…organ donation collaborative style!
Either way…It takes a team to make it all happen!
And, The Team Showed Up!!! A Few of My Peer Assist Champions: Tracy Spinks Kimberly Thrush Becky Ames Jan Burnham, RN Suzanne Faulkner Lori Wiegand, RN Jessica Knirk, MD Leslie Wilke, MD Brett Kesselring and his awesome collaborative team The tour guides at St. Francis and Memorial GOH and RUMC for letting us go
Community of Practice Peer Assist Visits – what are they?: –They are like standing on the shoulders of giants –They are the ultimate visiting professorship program –They are focused on collaborative partnering –They are fountains of free flowing information and personal experiences
Community of Practice ICARE Values in action: I = Innovation C = Collaboration A = Accountability R = Respect E = Excellence The ultimate family task division process, or a typical Saturday morning in the Walsh home growing up where we heard, rise and shine, because we have work to do and…
Many Hands Make Light Work (My mothers favorite pearl of wisdom) Dad, Mom, Tom, Ann, Kathryn and Alison
What we hoped to accomplish? Assess and determine our role by: –Representing the RUMC mission, vision and values –Contributing our enthusiasm and expertise in seeking ways to improve our overall performance –Working with colleagues and employees raising awareness and advocacy around transplant and organ donation –Serving as organ donation champions and ambassadors –Helping identify and remove barriers to transplant and organ donation at RUMC –Recognizing and helping represent transplant and organ donation as the Gift of Life –Committing to assist in advocacy, problem-solving and training, as necessary, at and around our medical center
Teamwork/Organizational Strategy Subgroup One: –Education, Awareness and Advocacy –(Co-chair, Alison Walsh) Subgroup Two: –Internal Ambassadors and Community Outreach –(Co-chair, Rachel Thomas) Subgroup Three: –Policy, Process and Operational Improvements –(Co-chairs, Brad Hinrichs and Tracy Spinks)
Organ Donation Month At Rush Our First Formal Event - What was done?: –Events were sponsored Cafeteria - Atrium - All campus blood and donor drive –Embraced and exhibited the institutional vision and mission of organ donation –Assembled a dedicated team –Utilized a patient and family centered care approach – mentoring, coaching, teaching Viewed the process through the eyes of the patients and family members –Managed the numbers and outcomes
Organ Donation Month At Rush What was accomplished? –140 new organ donor registrations on site –Many more registrants (likely 50-60) who preferred to sign up on line –Educated any one who would listen to the possibilities and opportunities gained from organ donation –Changed many myths to facts and even altered the belief of one who thought it was a religious issue in her denomination
It Takes a Team… And many colleagues, willing to share their resources, to pave the way!