10/30 Topic: Research Continues Aim: How do I use a video as a source? Do Now: Take your Research Folder
Chromebooks to Watch Videos Make a source card for research you did at home. You need to have 4 print sources done before you can watch a video. Make a source card . . . Look in research packet to see how to cite an online movie . . . They are either from YouTube or biography.com Go to my website and click on the link that says Research Videos Watch the movie
Chromebooks to Watch Videos Watch & take notes on what you hear and SEE If you do not have headphones then you can not watch the videos. You can do print sources instead There are four videos for King and X Don’t make duplicate fact cards By the end of today you should have a minimum of 6 sources done
Outline Look at page 5 in your research packet and make sure you are finding the correct information.
Research Schedule Today: Video Sources (bring headphones) Tuesday: Finish Researching & Start Sorting Cards Wednesday: Finish Sorting & Work Cited Thursday: Introduction, Thesis, & Conclusion Friday: Topic Sentences & Citations Monday: Finish Organizing & Start Typing Wednesday: Continue Typing Thursday: Finish typing and turn in your paper