LAMAS Working Group 7-8 December 2015 Agenda Item 5 Any other business
11th Workshop on Labour Force Survey Methodology Focus: Data Quality and Process When: 27-28 April 2016 Where: Cardiff
LFS ad-hoc requests and confidentiality Flags for reliability (a, b) and confidentiality (c) Examples with LAMAS involvement: results on flows and AHM 2014 Occasionally to very close users (e.g. DG EMPL) Not for publishing! Currently under review Aim: Clear standards and rules Distribution via secure channels (eDamis, etc.) LAMAS consultation in 2016
NUTS 2013 implementation Historical time series (back to 2010): Legal requirement: 'by end 2016' But: NUTS 2 required early 2016 (DG REGIO); recoding at Eurostat or countries contacted NUTS 3 (voluntary): by end 2016 Not exactly defined: Weight revision? Data of other countries (REGIONW, REGION1Y)?
Anonymised microdata Public use files (PUF): Start with LFS and EU-SILC Group of 7 Member States made a methodological proposal WG Statistical Confidentiality discussion last week LAMAS WG members might be contacted (for information…) Release 2015 – NSI version: Basically ready Distribution early 2016 (via 'secure FTP'?) IPUMS – Eurostat discussions on LFS data
Other issues END post vacancy