USES OF THE PRETERIT 1. A single action or a series of actions completed in the past. “Felipe limpio su cuarto ayer The beginning or the end of an action in the past “Empezo a llover a las tres” “Termine la tarea a las 2” Time frame: events, weather, conditions “Llovió por una semana” “estuvo enferma ayer” 4. Mental, Emotional, and physical changes. “Me volví loca!” “Me puse enferma” REFER TO P.25 IN YOUR BOOK
Verbs with different English translation in the preterit 1. Saber: Present: to know Preterit: found out 2. Conocer: Present: to know, to be acquainted with preterit: met 3. Poder: Present: to be able Preterit: succeeded, managed to 4. Querer: Present: to want Preterit: tried, in the negative: to refuse Refer to p. 28 in the book for more examples.
COMMON EXPRESSION WITH THE PRETERIT Entonces: then una vez: once De momento: suddenly ayer: yesterday Por fin: finally una noche/dia: one day/night De repente: suddenly Dates, days, months…
USES OF THE IMPERFECT 1. Background and descriptions in the past “la casa de mi abuela era blanca” 2. Ongoing, customary, and habitual actions in the past “Siempre me levantaba a las 8 de la manana” 5. Time and weather as background. “eran las 12 de la noche y hacía mucho frio” 6. age in the past “Tenía 5 meses” 7. Mental or physical CONDITIONS in the past “el chico era muy aburrido” Refer to p. 25 in your book
COMMON EXPRESSION WITH THE IMPERFECT Generalmente Siempre Todos los dias // cada dia A menudo Regularmente A veces