Robin Hood This half term Red Kites will be learning all about Robin Hood in preparation for our end of year production! Our topic map and medium term plan is on our website if you would like to see in more detail what the children will be learning. As part of their home learning the children need to complete a project to discover more about this topic. This could focus on the characters involved, the history behind Robin Hood, the town of Nottingham, whatever catches your interest. The project can be presented in any form that they choose. For example, your child could: Create their own songs based on the characters Write their own play script of an alternative version Create a discussion around whether Robin Hood was good or bad Create a timeline around the historical events of the time The choice is yours based around the topic of Robin Hood, so get creative! Children can do as much as they like but they must have at least one thing to present. If you have any questions please use the ideas above or ask the class teacher. Home learning is due in on Monday 2nd July. All children will have a chance to present the work that they have completed at some point that week! I can’t wait to see what they come up with.