Directorate of Oilseeds Development, Hyderabad SUMMER OILSEED CROPS Crops States States Reporting States not reporting Groundnut Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Assam, Manipur, Tripura Sunflower Karnataka, Bihar, Haryana, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand & West Bengal Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Chhattisgarh, Odisha Sesame West Bengal, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Jharkhand Area in lakh ha Crop Average as on date # AREA SOWN 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 Groundnut 5.095 4.467 5.667 4.404 4.343 5.405 5.654 Sunflower 0.550 0.324 0.426 0.577 0.629 0.495 0.624 Sesamum 3.033 2.949 2.398 2.531 3.808 3.822 2.606 Other Oilseeds 0.121 0.047 0.022 0.159 0.180 0.167 0.075 Total 8.799 7.787 8.513 7.671 8.960 9.889 8.959 #Average as on date is derived by making average of area coverage under oilseeds for the corresponding week period of last five years (2012-13 to 2016-17).
Directorate of Oilseeds Development, Hyderabad State-wise Crop Coverage under Summer Oilseed crops Sl. No State Area covered during 2017-18 (lakh ha) Groundnut Sunflower Sesame Total Summer % of summer 1 Andhra Pradesh 7.540 0.070 0.93 0.100 0.010 10.00 0.330 0.060 18.18 2 Telangana 1.530 0.000 0.00 0.033 0.080 75.00 3 Bihar 0.021 0.069 0.020 28.99 0.047 4 Chhattisgarh 1.007 0.200 19.86 0.150 53.44 0.344 5 Gujarat 16.779 0.523 3.12 1.277 0.160 12.53 6 Haryana 0.061 0.030 100.00 0.041 7 Jharkhand 0.339 0.01 0.001 2.97 0.096 0.63 8 Karnataka 6.350 1.410 22.20 2.400 3.33 0.370 2.70 9 Madhya Pradesh 2.230 0.050 2.24 4.240 10 Maharashtra 2.642 0.504 19.08 0.231 0.004 1.63 0.190 0.009 4.48 11 Odisha 1.979 0.161 8.16 0.124 0.029 23.28 1.871 0.144 7.68 12 Punjab 0.040 13 Tamil Nadu 3.535 0.238 6.73 0.152 0.005 3.29 0.349 0.046 13.18 14 Uttar Pradesh 1.920 0.770 40.11 3.002 15 West Bengal 0.644 0.540 83.85 0.053 0.022 41.51 2.469 2.460 99.64 16 Others 5.948 3.059 All INDIA 52.545 4.467 8.50 3.448 0.324 9.41 17.825 2.949 16.54
Directorate of Oilseeds Development, Hyderabad State-wise districts growing Summer Oilseed crops As per the district-wise data submitted by State Department of Agriculture, summer oilseed crops are being cultivated in these districts. Sl. No Crop State MAJOR DISTRICTS 1 Groundnut Gujarat Kutch, Vadodara, Junagadh, Jamnagar, Bhavanagar, Sabarkanta, Tapi, Rajkot Maharashtra Yavatmal, Pune, Nanded, Nadurbar, Dhule, Parbhani, Satara, Solapur, Hingoli, Wardha West Bengal Midnapur (E), Midnapur (W), Hoogly, Howrah, Nadia, Jalpaiguri, 24 Paragnas (N) 2 Sunflower Kolhapur, Osmanabad Karnataka Kolar, Davangere, Bellary, Raichur, Bijapur Punjab Jalandhar, Hoshiarpur, Kapurtala, Ludhiana, Mohali, Nawan Shehar, Fatehgarh Saheb, Patiala 3 Sesamum Midnapur (W), Hooghly, Nadia, Bankura, Murshidabad, Bardhamam, 24 Paragnas (N)
Directorate of Oilseeds Development, Hyderabad Cultivation of Summer Oilseed crops GROUNDNUT Assured irrigation and nutrient management condition. Yield levels are much higher. Sowing : January/February to May/June. Major states are Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra and some parts of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana & Uttar Pradesh In North Eastern States, mainly grown during January-February in Assam, Manipur and Tripura. Due to high productivity in NE states, increasing summer groundnut area is better option. Use of polythene mulch technology will improve the germination and also initial growth against the low temperature during Jan-Feb in NE States. Some of the cropping systems including groundnut as summer crop. - Coastal areas : Rice-Mustard-Groundnut - Maharashtra : Jowar-Sunflower-Groundnut ; Sesame-Sunflower-Groundnut - Tamil Nadu : Blackgram-Rice-Groundnut
Directorate of Oilseeds Development, Hyderabad Cultivation of Summer Oilseed crops GROUNDNUT Groundnut varieties recommended for summer cultivation: Variety State recommended VRI (Gn) 5 (2001) Tamil Nadu VRI (Gn) 6 (2009) Maharashtra, AP, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu GG-6 (2003) Gujarat Greeshma (2009) Andhra Pradesh TG-37-A (2004) All India Vijetha (2010) West Bengal, Odisha, Jharkhand Narayani (2007) Kadiri Harithandra (2010) Karnataka, Maharashtra SG-99 (2004) Punjab Pratap Raj Mugapalli (2011) Rajasthan Prutha (2005) ALG 06-320 (2011) Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh TG 38 (2006) Odisha, West Bengal, NE states RARS T-1 (2011) Abhaya (2006) RARS T-2 (2011) Vasundhara (2007) West Bengal, Odisha, Jharkhand, Assam GJG-31 (2012) TG-51 (2008) GJG-9 (20112)
Directorate of Oilseeds Development, Hyderabad Cultivation of Summer Oilseed crops Summer Sesamum Rice fallow areas of North Eastern states. West Bengal is the major state cultivating summer sesame over an area of about 2.00 lakh ha. Sesamum is also cultivated as summer crop in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Odisha & Tamil Nadu states. Summer sesame yields are higher and by adopting the integrated nutrient management yields can be increased by about 33%. Some of the cropping systems including Sesame as summer crop. - Coastal areas : Rice-Mustard-Sesame ; Rice-Potato-Sesame - Tamil Nadu : Groundnut-Rice-Sesame - West Bengal : Rice-Mustard-Sesame ; Rice-Wheat-Sesame
Directorate of Oilseeds Development, Hyderabad Cultivation of Summer Oilseed crops Sesamum Sesame growing seasons in India are tabulated below Season Planting time Harvesting Condition Area % Name of States Rainy (Kharif) June-July Oct-Nov Rainfed 70 MP, UP, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, AP, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu & Odisha Mid Rainy (Pre-Rabi) Aug-Sept Dec-Jan 20 MP, Maharashtra, Gujarat Winter (Rabi) Feb-Mar Irrigated Negligible Odisha, WB, Tamil Nadu Summer (Pre Kharif) Jan-March Apr-June 10 WB, Bihar, Odisha, AP, Tamil Nadu & Kerala Sesame varieties recommended for summer cultivation Variety State recommended JCS-94 (2002) Andhra Pradesh Hima (2006) Amrit (2006) AP, TN, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, MP Savitri (2008) West Bengal Jawahar Til-12 (2008) Madhya Pradesh Jawahar Til-14 (2008) PKV-NT-11 (2009) Maharashtra Subha (2012) Odisha Smarak (2012) DS-5 (2012) Karnataka
Directorate of Oilseeds Development, Hyderabad Cultivation of Summer Oilseed crops Sunflower In Northern India, the sunflower is grown mainly in Spring/Zaid season. Apart from Northern India, summer sunflower is also cultivated in Maharashtra, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu state. Sowing takes place during last week of January to First FN of February. Sowing should not be delayed beyond 1st FN of February. Otherwise, productivity is affected due to high temperature during flowering and filling stage. Crop sequences of Sunflower : - Tamil Nadu : Mung bean-Rice-Sunflower - Punjab, Haryana, UP & Bihar : Maize-Potato-Sunflower; Groundnut-Mustard-Sunflower; Fodder-Potato/Mustard-Sunflower; Urdbean-Toria-Sunflower Sunflower varieties recommended for summer cultivation Variety/Hybrid State recommended KBSH-44 (Hy) (2003) All states PSFH-118 (Hy) (2004) Punjab HSFH-848 (Hy) (2005) Haryana DRSH-1 (PCSH-243) (2006) All Statts
Directorate of Oilseeds Development, Hyderabad Area expansion of Summer Oilseed crops TARGETTING RICE FALLOW AREA (TRFA) Area in lakh ha and Production in lakh tonnes Sl. No. State No. of District village Kharif Paddy area Estimated area of rice fallow Target for rice fallow area coverage Target of area coverage by 2020 Expected additional production by 2020 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Pulses Oilseeds 1 Assam 8 800 20.52 10.42 2.30 5.40 1.35 3.75 0.90 2 Bihar 5 500 32.08 0.49 0.30 0.23 0.69 0.21 3 Chhattisgarh 38.30 28.56 3.50 10.80 2.70 5.58 1.26 4 Jharkhand 400 15.02 4.75 0.22 0.12 Odisha 9 900 36.33 29.61 4.30 5.28 1.77 6 West Bengal 38.58 11.59 7.20 1.80 9.45 3.03 Total 40 4000 180.83 85.42 15.00 36.00 9.00 25.44 7.29
Directorate of Oilseeds Development, Hyderabad Area expansion of Summer Oilseed crops Groundnut : - Rice fallow land and on Residual moisture in flood plains in Assam, West Bengal, Odisha, Chattisgarh. - Timely supply of seed and developing shallow tube wells/lift irrigation will facilitate considerable expansion of area. Sunflower : - Cultivation of sunflower after potato, mustard, sugarcane, pea, cotton, vegetables as Zaid crop in Northern India. - As a crop in areas affected by alkalinity/salinity. - In situations where water is available for shorter period in Summer season, as intercrop in peninsular and Central India. Sesame : -In Central, Peninsular and Eastern India, Sesame as a summer crop in situations where only limited water is available for 3-4 irrigations and shorter duration. - As a summer crop (assured irrigated condition) in eastern states after potato and rice. - Shifting of Boro cultivation to Sesame cultivation
Directorate of Oilseeds Development, Hyderabad STRATEGIES TO INCREASE OILSEED PRODUCTION Productivity improvement through better adoption of improved technology Popularizing newly released high yielding cultivars and distribution of seed minikits of oilseeds. Ensuring quality seed supply at right time. Improving varietal replacement rate. Efficient/Standard crop management practices like i) Adoption of proper crops rotation and crop sequences. ii) Timely planting with right method of sowing iii) Polythene mulch technology in North eastern states iv) Adequate/optimum plant stand through adjustment in seed rate and thinning v) timely weed management vi) Protective irrigations to insure against weather aberrations. vii) Adoption of moisture conservation technology viii) Integrated nutrient & Pest management 5. Technology access in non-traditional areas : Odisha, West Bengal and Chhattisgarh in the Eastern grid and in Indo-Gangetic Region of Punjab, Haryana, Western UP & Bihar.
Directorate of Oilseeds Development, Hyderabad THANK YOU