传统婚礼 Traditional Weddings
传统婚礼 According to traditional values, a key point of a successful marriage is that the husband and wife should come from similar families. In ancient time, the newly-married couple will live with the husband’s family after the wedding. Before the wedding, the husband’s family needs to give a fair amount of money to the wife’s family. If the wife comes from a wealthy family, she will also bring a lot of dower with her.
Procedure of a wedding On the day of the wedding, the bridegroom rides a horse and bring a sedan chair with him and go to the bride’s house to pick her up. The bride’s head is covered by a red cloth since she’s not supposed to be seen by other people. The bride should walk over a pot of fire to get rid of bad luck. The bride and bridegroom bow (or kotou) to 天地, parents and then each other.
Procedure of a wedding A huge feast will be held and the bridegroom may end up drinking a lot of alcohol, but the bride will not attend the feast; instead, she will go to their bedroom and wait for the bridegroom. After the feast, the bridegroom goes to the bedroom and take the red cloth away from his wife – in ancient time, this might be the first time the husband and wife see each other. They will drink “交杯酒”. http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/V0yJkgXikNY/