The Marshmellow Challenge
The task: In eighteen minutes, build the tallest free-standing structure out of 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and one marshmallow. The marshmallow needs to be on top.
How did your team work together to create a plan?
Was there prototyping utilized? If so, how did that come about?
Did your team have “oh-oh” moments Did your team have “oh-oh” moments? What was the team’s response to those moments?
“Designers recognize this type of collaboration as the essence of the iterative process - which is central to design thinking. With each version, the kids get instant feedback of what works and what doesn’t. Through play and prototyping, they instantly adapt to what’s in front of them.”
“The capacity to play and prototype are important skills for innovation.”
“It seems that the skills of facilitation makes a big difference “It seems that the skills of facilitation makes a big difference. Any team member who pays close attention to the process of work - encouraging timing, improving communication, cross pollinating ideas - increases the team’s performance significantly.”
“Winning teams are specialists “Winning teams are specialists. But the next best are those with facilitation skills.”
What examples can you share of prototyping within the work you do?
How do we learn from our “oh-oh” moments and not see them as failures?