Program Pass I LC Symbol Table Pass II Machine Code ORG $400 Put $400 into LC 0000 START MOVE.W VALUE1,D0 Put START in symbol table and assign it $400. Increment LC by 6. 0400 START = $0400 Assemble opcode, get address for VALUE1 from symbol table. Increment LC. 3039 0000 0416 ADD.W VALUE2,D0 Increment LC by 6. 0406 Assemble opcode, get address for VALUE2 from symbol table. Increment LC. D079 0000 0418 MOVE.W D0,RESULT 040C Assemble opcode, get address for RESULT from symbol table. Increment LC. 33C0 0000 041A STOP #$2700 Increment LC by 4. 0412 Assemble opcode. Increment LC. 4E72 2700 VALUE1 DC.W 8 Put VALUE1 in symbol table and assign it $0416. Increment LC by 2. 0416 VALUE1 = $0416 Increment LC. 0008 VALUE2 DC.W 16 Put VALUE2 in symbol table and assign it $0418. Increment LC by 2. 0418 VALUE2 = $0418 0010 RESULT DS.W 1 Put RESULT in symbol table and assign it $041A. Increment LC by2. 041A RESULT = $041A END START End of Pass1. Reset LC to 0. 041C End Pass 2. [Set PC to START]