Presentation to Heads of Fisheries WCPFC7 Outcomes Professor Glenn Hurry Executive Director WCPFC
Pacific Fisheries Agencies National Agencies SPC FFA/FFC PNA WCPFC
WCPFC Structure
Key outcomes of the Commission meeting Initiate Cost Recovery Project Improvements to ROP Review of VMS structure and VMS costs Revision of CMM 2008/01 Implementation of the Shark program and the improved supply of shark data Implement entry reporting in the Eastern High Seas pockets management area
Key outcomes continued Resolve the shared area with IATTC Undertake Performance Review of WCPFC Evaluate Compliance with CMM’s Consider future applications by Countries for membership to the commission Organize by-catch working group for Kobe 3 Director’s housing Commission’s budget
CMM 2008/01 Perception that 2008/01 elements are permanent others argue this is not the case. Intent was to close the High Seas areas until something better replaced the measure. Philippines request for access PNA closure of other high seas areas FADs and other technologies Suggestions for a Freeze on capacity If you need a 30% reduction in bigeye catch what are industries thoughts
Work focus for Secretariat Review of CMM 2008/01 Visiting member countries to explain the Commission’s role Cost recovery and VMS Consultancies Improving the performance of the Regional Observer Program Finding a resolution to the shared area with IATTC Evaluating Compliance with CMMs Implementing the Review of WCPFC
Work of Secretariat Meeting planning for up coming meetings Sanctions and penalties Internships The Deputy Exec Director position Travel to member countries not all to international meetings Recreational Fishing ……….(just joking)
Half joking!………..Thanks