Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC


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Presentation transcript:

Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Secretariat Update Jennifer Santulli C63 ® Secretariat November 2018

Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Status of Standards May - November Standards Inactive/Withdrawn: None PINS Submitted May-Nov: C63.5cor1 Standards Published: None Drafts in Invite: C63.19 closed 12/3 Drafts in Ballot: C63.25.1 Re-circ closed 11/19 comments to review BSR-8 Complete

Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Secretariat Action Items Check with IEEE of the “Order of Precedence” text, as suggested by Harry Hodes can be included in our standards Yes it can. Check with ANSI and the ANSI Essential Requirements regarding Interpretations ANSI said you MUST have a policy, however a policy stating “We do not accept interpretations” is acceptable. Renewal of C63/IEEE Contract

Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC ANSI Patent Policy Notice of Implementation of ExSC NO CHANGE TO YOUR CURRENT PATENT POLICY! Each Organizations/Companies LOA forms are different and have different requirements. They are stating if you accept another patent letter, they will no take no stance when it comes to their request and the definition of the verbiage

Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC PINS Submitted None

ASC C63® Open Projects Designation PINS Status BSR C63.4-201x √   Status BSR C63.4-201x √ 11/11/2011  WG Ballot BSR C63.8-201x BSR C63.9-201x 6/3/2016 BSR C63.10-201x 11/27/2015 BSR C63.11-200x 4/13/2007 BSR C63.14-200x 5/29/2015 BSR C63.19-201x 4/22/2016 Ballot Invite   BSR C63.23- 201x 12/1/2017 BSR C63.24-200x 11/16/2001 BSR C63.25-201x Final Comments/ BSR-8 BSR C63.27 BSR C63.28-201x 5/16/2014 BSR C63.29 BSR C63.30

Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Years Old Action Date ANSI Final Action PINS for Revisions Approved C63.19-2011 7.5 None 4/14/11 4/22/2016 C63.22-2004 (R2012) 6 11/30/12 Will let expire C63.23-2012 12/3/12 Reaffirmation 12/1/17 C63.10-2013 5 6/27/2013 11/27/2015 C63.17-2013 8/12/2013 C63.18-2014 4.5 5/13/2014 C63.4-2014 PINS C Approved 6/13/2014 12/1/17 C63.14-2014 8/28/2014 5/29/2015 C63.9-2008 (R2014) 4 10/16/2014 6/3/2016 C63.7-2015 3 1/29/2015 C63.12-2015 6/18/2015 C63.16-2016 2 2/1/2016 Status of Standards

Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC (cont’d.) Years Old Action Date ANSI Final Action PINS for Revisions Approved C63.26-2015 3 None 12/3/2015 6/13/2016 C63.2-2016 2 10/11/2016 C63.5-2017 1/31/2017 5/26/2017 BSR-9 Submitted C63.27-2017 1/19/2017 C63.15-2017 1.5 7/13/17

Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC No Ongoing Work Status Action C63.1 Method of Measuring Radio Interference of Electrical Components and Completed Assemblies of Electrical Equipment for the Armed Forces from 150 Kilocycles to 20 Megacycles. C63.3 C63.11 Inter-lab Comparison of EMC Testing Work suspended 11/12/15. Never published-Withdraw PINS? C63.6-1996 American National Standard Guide for the Computation of Errors in Open-Area Test Site Measurements Administratively withdrawn C63.13-1991 American National Standard Guide on the Application and Evaluation of EMI Power-Line Filters for Commercial Use Status of Standards

ASC C63 Archived Standards (cont’d) Status of Standards Standard Title Status C63.20 ? C63.21 C63.22-2004 (R2012) American National Standard Guide for Automated Electromagnetic Interference Measurements No plans for further maintenance at this time. Let expire.

Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC 36 Voting Members Classification # in Category % Calibration Lab (CL) 1 3% General (G) 4 11% Government (GV) 6 17% Manufacturer (M) 11 32% Professional Society (PS) 2 6% Test Lab (TL) Trade Association (TA) 5 14% In accordance with ANSI Essential Requirements, no category can exceed 50%

Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Balloting Timeline: -Approved by Subcommittee -Approve by Main committee -Submit to Jen -Initiate MEC and Ballot Invite (30 days) -Make adjustments as requested -Open ballot (30 days) -Comment Resolution -All comments MUST be considered -If comments are rejected/no change to the document draft can be submitted for final action -If any comments result in a change to the draft a recirculation is required (15 day minimum) - Repeat above -Submit BRS’s, Public Review (45 days), ANSI review 30 days), Publication

Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Voting: Approval of standards requires an electronic ballot with approval by at least a majority of the balloting group and at least two-thirds of those voting, excluding abstentions. This procedure applies to: A new standard; Revision, amendment, reaffirmation or withdrawal of an existing standard

AAccredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC Thank you Questions??