A Model for Building and Using Professional Learning Communities District Assessment Coordinator Meeting June 20th, 2008 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm A Model for Building and Using Professional Learning Communities Bill Conrad, Ed.D. – Assessment Coordinator 510-670-4250 (Office) 510-760-5570 (Cell) bconrad@acoe.org 1
Meeting Agenda Introduce a model of grade and department professional learning communities. Discuss the feasibility of using this model as a base for professional development for school and district leaders in the fall Share a variety of resources and tools that support the model Review samples of Math Short Cycle Assessments for grades 3-6 Discuss how the Short Cycle Assessments could be integrated into the PLC Model Develop a summer planning schedule for assessment and accountability professional development in the fall Plan next steps
The Need Aligned standards, curriculum, instructional strategies, assessments, and professional development that support teachers in helping all students achieve academically at high performance levels
The Assessment Continuum Wiki http://assessmentcontinuum.wetpaint.com The Assessment Continuum Wiki is a powerful online resource that can help us work collaboratively to build and use high quality assessment and accountability systems within our districts. Let’s spend a few minutes exploring the Wiki.
Use formative classroom assessments to monitor ongoing progress The Professional Learning Community Process Plan What is it we want ALL students to know? Select power standards Use curriculum maps Learn about research-based instructional strategies (such as Marzano) Teach Apply research-based instructional strategies to known needs and abilities of students Use strategies and approaches agreed upon with colleagues Collaborate in grade level/ department teams Share lesson plans and best practices across key participants Reflect How will we respond when students experience difficulty in learning? How will we respond when students already know it? Create intervention/ acceleration programs and monitor student progress Differentiate and personalize classroom instruction, using research-based instructional strategies Assess How will we know if students have learned it? Use formative classroom assessments to monitor ongoing progress Use district benchmark assessments to track progress toward standards Analyze data to hone in on student needs Read red text – pertinent to this presentation New Haven Unified School District April 2007
A PLC Model can help with Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development
6th Grade Math Power Standard (6 Questions on the 6th Grade Math CST) 2.0 Students calculate and solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division: 2.3 Solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems, including those arising in concrete situations that use positive and negative integers and combinations of these operations.
6th Grade Math Power Standard Deconstruction of the Standard in the Context of the Lesson Content: Powers of 10 Multiplying positive integers and decimals Converting units of measurement Cost calculations involving decimals Embedded Skills: Dividing whole numbers by 10. Calculation of energy costs Thinking Skills: Application of the math standard to a real world problem
6th Grade Instructional Activity Incandescent versus Compact Fluorescent
Sample Short Cycle Assessments
Sample Short Cycle Assessment Item
Sample Short Cycle Assessment Item Performance Description Rubric 5. This item assesses the student’s ability to multiply decimals and use mathematical reasoning to show solution. (ER – application) Question 5 Answer: $47,730.50 Extended Response Points Performance Description 4 Shows correct solution. Clear understanding in explanation of multiplication of decimals. 3 Shows correct solution with minor omissions in explanation 2 Shows correct solution. Many errors in calculation and no explanation 1 Incorrect solution with little explanation Does not attempt
Adapt the Short Cycle Assessment Item with Standard and Lesson Mr. Jones wants to know what his Energy Cost Savings will be if he converts his twenty ceiling Fluorescent Lights to Compact Fluorescent Lights. What additional information will Mr. Jones need in order to determine the savings? ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Sample Short Cycle Assessment Item Performance Description Modified Rubric Information Needed to Solve the Problem: Hours of expected use for the Fluorescent Lights Number of Watts for a Fluorescent Light Number of Watts for a Compact Fluorescent Light Cost per Kilowatt Hour Points Performance Description 4 Student provides all of the 4 key components 3 Student provides 3 of the components 2 Student provides 2 of the components 1 Student provides 1 of the components Student provides none of the components
Lesson Implementation Monitoring Tool
Lesson Assessment Tool
Potential Summer GOALS Build tools and resources that will support implementing Fall PLC Professional Development opportunities in each of our school districts for one or more of the following content area: Math ELA/ELD Science K-2 Math K-2 ELA/ELD
Additional Potential Summer GOALS Complete the online Wiki Web Pages for each District for the following key areass: Accountability/Data Inquiry Assessment Systems Data Decision Support Systems Professional Development Achievement Gap Develop a research-based background paper about K-2 Early Childhood Assessments for ELA and Mathematics
Draft District Assessment Coordinator Schedule for 08-09
A Model for Building and Using Professional Learning Communities District Assessment Coordinator Meeting June 20th, 2008 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm A Model for Building and Using Professional Learning Communities Bill Conrad, Ed.D. – Assessment Coordinator 510-670-4250 (Office) 510-760-5570 (Cell) bconrad@acoe.org 25