Unit 1 – Year 11 Lesson 6 – FACTUAL Conflict Unit 1 – Year 11 Lesson 6 – FACTUAL
What do we mean by factual? Sum up what the word factual means in a simple sentence.
Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson you will be able to: Content: explore the theme of Conflict through the stimulus of factual information. Process: doing this through the stimuli of factual information from history, using the drama mediums and drama elements of your choice based on what you have learnt over these past 6 lessons. Benefits: the opportunity to see how factual information and events can stimulate Drama as well as support our English GCSE course.
What could this information be about? In groups, look at the information sheet in front of you. This is factual information. This is the only information you will be given this lesson and the rest will be up to you to decide on how it is represented. The only thing you need to know is that it is based on the theme of Conflict.
brainstorm In your group jot down as many ideas on what you think this information is about. You should have a minimum of 4 ideas down on your sheet. Feedback What ideas have we got? Why did you decide on some of these things? How did you deduce this from the information you were handed?
Rank & Still Image Now circle the 3 ideas you favour the most as a group. You now have 5 minutes to create 3 still images for each of the ideas you circled. Everyone must be involved You could change between people and objects depending on your image
Show back together
Develop one As a group decide on one idea from the 3 that you want to develop on further. This will be the idea you present back with your own decisions and dramatic choices. How you depict this idea further is entirely up to you as a group and should show what you have learnt about dramatic approaches to Conflict from the last 5 lessons. Use the success criteria to help you!
Success Criteria You MUST develop the idea that you selected. You MUST include your original still image as your marked moment in the scene Your work can be either mimed, physical theatre or role play Your work can include spoken language or voice if you choose to Remember we want to see the under running theme of CONFLICT and how the factual information inspired you. You COULD use soundscape as a tool for expression You COULD include a narrator
Show back Star & Target Share your work with the class. What was delivered well? How do we know this? What did their Conflict depiction tell us about their understanding of the theme?
Review How do you now perceive Conflict? Is it different or the same? How do you now perceive Conflict? Is it different or the same? How was factual information different to our previous lessons? Positives and negatives of this stimuli?
Notebook review Using your Notebooks write up this session using the learning outcomes slide to structure it. You must refer to the ways you used: Mediums Elements Stimuli
How many forms of Conflict have we explored over the past 6 lessons? Final Thought… How many forms of Conflict have we explored over the past 6 lessons? How are they different?