Closed POD Just-in-Time Training Vaccination POD
Housekeeping Issues Take a moment to do the following: Tell people where the restrooms are located Point out location of break area Go over the lunch and break schedule Point out where the first aid station is (if applicable)
Sign In All staff should sign in Everyone should have completed the following forms: HIPAA Confidentiality Form, Registration Form, Code of Conduct Everyone should be assigned a position and received a Job Action Sheet
Confidentiality at the POD It is unlawful to divulge personal medical information. All POD staff must complete a HIPAA Oath of Confidentiality
Agent Description Take a moment to describe the agent (i.e. Anthrax, Tularemia, etc.) include the following: What it is Symptoms of exposure including onset and duration of illness Recommended treatment Local threat
Vaccine Description Take a few moments to describe the vaccine. Include: Go over package insert for vaccine Dosage for adults Dosage for children and infants Drug interactions, allergies, contraindications Alternate treatment if applicable Go over the consent form and how to properly fill it out
Proper Handling of Vaccine Vaccine must be stored at the temperature listed on the package insert. POD Supply room staff must ensure hourly temperature checks of all coolers and refrigeration units. If vaccine is out of temperature, they must take measures to get it back within the temperature requirements. If the vaccine at your station has been out of a temperature controlled unit longer than 45 minutes, raise your blue card and have the runner exchange it. The empty vaccine vials shall be discarded into Sharps Containers on the tables at the station.
Vaccinators Go over package insert Explain what doses to administer to adults, infants, and children Go over alternate treatments if applicable Go over contraindications, allergies, and drug interactions Go over consent form and how to properly fill it out Explain and demonstrate proper way to administer vaccine All syringes and needles must be handled safely and disposed of in the Sharps containers at each station Answer any questions.
Remember: It is the responsibility of the vaccinator to make sure that the consent form is properly filled out and signed. If contraindications exist, such as allergies or drug interactions, the person should consult with their physician prior to receiving the vaccine. If you are unsure or have questions, raise your yellow card and the Medical Lead will come to your station and assist. You must make sure everyone has received the Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) sheet and is given chance to read prior to administering the vaccine.
Consent Form Information Instruct how to complete administrative portion of consent forms and what information needs to be on the form. We need to record the following: Date Address of the facility injection site (i.e. Right arm, left leg, etc.) dose administered manufacturer lot number signature of person administering vaccine
All clients should leave with: Vaccination Record Card VIS (Vaccine Information Statement) Hotline number to call if they have questions once they leave the POD
POD Policies Add any of your Policies here, including: Who the POD will serve How staff should report down to receive their medication
Public Information The hotline number is __________.Please write it down. This number should be used for people to call if they have questions once they leave the POD. Report any rumors you hear about the incident to health department so they can stay on top of rumor control. Any media inquiries are to be directed to the health department PIO
POD Flow Go over areas and briefly explain the general client traffic flow at the POD Point out exits and evacuation routes Describe building areas to take shelter during severe weather Go over any parking arrangements with POD Staff
POD Flow Registration- Everyone must fill out a consent form completely Vaccination- People receive their vaccination After Care – People have any questions answered before leaving. They get pill crushing instructions for infants. Exit- leave the POD
Explain process for the following: How to handle a medical emergency ( i.e. anaphylactic shock) (Where is the First Aid Station?) How to handle a client who is upset, angry or emotional? Make sure an POD Incident Report is completed for all accidents
Security Issues at a POD Add security information relative to your facility, including contact methods and information If a disruption or conflict occurs, notify security at once Go over evacuation routes
Closed POD Deactivation Refer to the Closed POD Deactivation Power Point Training Module and Closed POD Deactivation Checklist at Follow instructions from the health department Complete the following forms and return them and leftover supplies and medication to the health department: Closed POD After Action Report Closed POD Final Event Summary Form