Compare and Contrast Paragraph Writing


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Presentation transcript:

Compare and Contrast Paragraph Writing

Writing Assignment Objectives: Compare and contrast two texts from the same genre (deserted island/rescue narratives) Analyze film/directorial choices and symbols Select and analyze nuanced evidence Write a formal, analytical response without using the first-person point of view Write an insightful and fluent single paragraph led by a strong thesis, nuanced evidence and analysis, and ending in a resonant conclusion sentence. #brevity

MLA Format: Film Films titles, like titles of plays and novels and other books, are italicized in MLA format. Cast Away— directed by Robert Zemekis Directors make choices for films like authors make choices for books L0rd of the Flies by William Golding

“Compare and Contrast” Defined Compare: analyze text to find the significance of similarities Contrast: analyze text to find the significance of differences

Compare and/or Contrast In a strong, formal paragraph … [choose one prompt] Analyze how the author’s/director’s vision of human nature differs OR is similar in the two texts. Compare and contrast the rescue stories inherent within both texts. What about human nature does each convey?

Why Compare and Contrast? You’ve noticed two texts are both alike and different. So what? A good comparative response will not simply offer a summary of themes, characters, or plot. Your job is to think about how these comparisons and contrasts create meaningful connections to a larger issue.

Analyze Unique Evidence Make a chart or venn diagram analyzing similarities and differences between your two texts. For example, if you are comparing the characterization of Shakespeare’s Macbeth to Golding’s Jack, you would list all the ways in which the protagonists are similar and different. Once you have your list: pick unique, nuanced evidence and analyze it for the way it is written as well as the ideas it conveys.

Film and Novel: Evidence Because you are writing a single paragraph about two long texts, you may need to paraphrase the evidence you use to prove what you’re saying is true. This paragraph assignment is more about comparing ideas because one is a FILM and the other is a NOVEL.

An Effective Thesis Statement Create an effective thesis statement. You need to say why the comparison and contrast is worthy of note. Let’s say you want to compare and contrast the subversive people in two texts we’ve read. Example Thesis: “Although Macbeth in Macbeth and Jack in Golding’s Lord of the Flies differ, their selfish values connect them in struggles for power that ultimately fail.” Now you have a reason for your efforts and a compelling case for your audience’s attention.

Assignment Details: Your work will be assessed using the sophomore writing rubric. No film or text citations necessary. No full paper heading (wastes space). Insert your full name and class period in the header. 1.5-spaced, 12 pt. font. (TNR, Georgia, etc.) One page, maximum. No paper copy will be submitted. Submit to by MONDAY, 1/7/18, AT 8AM. Only one person per partner pair needs to submit the writing. Both author’s names should be on the paragraph.