Quis est? Metellam videmus. eam salutamus. Caecilium videmus. eum salutamus. discupuli atrium intrant. eos salutavi. id audivisitisne?
Can you put the following on this chart (he, she, it) Plural Masc. Fem. Neut. Nom. Gen. Dat. Accus. Abl.
Can you unscramble (M, F, and N Plural Pronoun forms) eis eis eorum eas eorum eis ea eis eis eae ea earum eis eos ei
Can you unscramble (M, F, and N Singular Pronoun forms) eum id eo eo eam id eius ei ei is ea ei eius eius ea
Personal Pronouns (he, she, it) Singular Masc. Fem. Neut. Nom. is ea id Gen. eius eius eius Dat. ei ei ei Accus. eum eam id Abl. eo ea eo
Trickier: pacem amamus, sed non semper eam retinemus.
Practice with Personal Pronouns The Romans conquered them. I gave a gift to him/her. Did you see it? It is. We entered his/her home. Friends walked with them. eum audiverunt. id vidi. Librum eorum/earum vides. Romani eos vicerunt. donum ei dedi. id videsne? id est. domum eius intravimus. Amici cum eis ambulaverunt. They heard him. I saw it. You see their book.
Put the personal pronoun into Latin. PRACTICE Put the personal pronoun into Latin. They took the spiders and placed them on the shoulder of Barbillus. (spiders is feminine) Petro, after he heard about the wound of Barbillus, hurried to his house at once. It is necessary for him to rest and sleep. The parents of Rufus loved him very much and he also loved them. (use the “default” masculine) When the ship was approaching Greece, a huge storm destroyed it. (ship is feminine) It is necessary for you to remove him from the house!
Put the personal pronoun into Latin. PRACTICE Put the personal pronoun into Latin. They took the spiders and placed them on the shoulder of Barbillus. (spiders is feminine) Petro, after he heard about the wound of Barbillus, hurried to his house at once. It is necessary for him to rest and sleep. The parents of Rufus loved him very much and he also loved them. (use the “default” masculine) When the ship was approaching Greece, a huge storm destroyed it. (ship is feminine) It is necessary for you to remove him from the house! eas eius ei eos eam eum
1. araneas ad cubiculum tulerunt, in umerum domini eas collocavit. a 1. araneas ad cubiculum tulerunt, in umerum domini eas collocavit. a. they b. them c. their 2. Petro, postquam de vulnere Barbilli audivit, statim ad villam eius festinavit. a. he b. his c. they 3. Petro spongiam in aceto summersit. eam in vulnus collocavit. a. him b. her c. it 4. necesse est ei quiescere et dormire. a. for him b. his c. they 5. sed parentes Rufi eum maxime amabant, et ille eos. 6. ubi navis Graeciae appropinquabat, ingens tempestas eam obruit. a. him b. her c. it 7. necesse est tibi eum e villa expellere.
1. araneas ad cubiculum tulerunt, in umerum domini eas collocavit. a 1. araneas ad cubiculum tulerunt, in umerum domini eas collocavit. a. they b. them c. their 2. Petro, postquam de vulnere Barbilli audivit, statim ad villam eius festinavit. a. he b. his c. they 3. Petro spongiam in aceto summersit. eam in vulnus collocavit. a. him b. her c. it 4. necesse est ei quiescere et dormire. a. for him b. his c. they 5. sed parentes Rufi eum maxime amabant, et ille eos. 6. ubi navis Graeciae appropinquabat, ingens tempestas eam obruit. a. him b. her c. it 7. necesse est tibi eum e villa expellere.