Tuesday, November 18th, 2014 Standards: Determine themes; Cite strong evidence; Determine central ideas Target: Read “Marriage is a Private Affair” Activator: Journal Work: Reading and articles Closing: Turn in your paragraphs
Activator You all probably know this story…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-94JhLEiN0 Journal 23: -What do you think is the most important thing two people need to have a happy marriage? -Why do you think there are so many traditions surrounding weddings and marriages?
Work Session Welcome to class, everyone! Today we're going to start off by reading a story from our textbook called "Marriage is a Private Affair." Flip to page 1329 in your textbook and let's read it together!! After we finish reading the story, I want you to take a minute and see if you want to revise your answers to the questions I asked earlier in your journals. After you've revised if you want to, we're going to read an article together!
I'm going to give each of you your own copy of the article and a highlighter. While you read it QUIETLY TO YOURSELF I would like you to highlight things that are different from American wedding traditions. If you are from or familiar with another culture's wedding traditions, you can highlight things that are different from those traditions, too! When we finish, we'll make a double bubble map on the board - wedding traditions in the Afghan culture, wedding traditions in the American culture, and ones that are shared.
Finally, after we've double bubbled and compared and contrasted, I want you to write a paragraph reflecting on what we've talked about today. -What do you think is the most important thing two people need for a happy marriage? Has your answer changed over the course of the two readings we've done today? -Why do you think people put so much emphasis on a traditional wedding? Does having a traditional wedding change what your marriage will be like? Write a paragraph that answers those two questions and reflect on WHY we are SO determined to keep those traditions :) This will be turned in for a grade That's it for today, gang!
Closing Turn in your paragraphs please!