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Presentation transcript:

Title Names of group Members Make up a creative title or use your question as your title Your name first, then your partner’s name(s) Don’t forget to use capital letters!

Research What books or encyclopedia did you use? List the author and title and type the notes you found for each. What internet sites did you use? List the title and URL and type the notes you found for each. Research your topic using the internet, your science text book, and other texts Research includes at least three resources.

Question You must be able to find an answer to your question by conducting an experiment. You must be able to find an answer to your question by using the scientific method and conducting an experiment.

Hypothesis Your guess or prediction about what will happen during your experiment. Remember: If…. then... because…. Make a prediction about the answer to your question. When you are finished with your experiment, you will find out that your hypothesis is either right or wrong. It is okay if your hypothesis turns out to be incorrect. That doesn’t make it a bad hypothesis. It is also okay if your hypothesis is different from your partner’s.

Variables Independent Variable (what I changed or manipulated) (what I observed or measured) Controlled Variables (what I kept the same) Make a prediction about the answer to your question. When you are finished with your experiment, you will find out that your hypothesis is either right or wrong. It is okay if your hypothesis turns out to be incorrect. That doesn’t make it a bad hypothesis. It is also okay if your hypothesis is different from your partner’s.

Materials List Materials Using Bullet Points or Numbers List materials using bullet points or numbers. Check your procedures to make sure all the materials mentioned are included in your list. Then, when you perform your experiment, double check your materials list again.

Procedure 1. Number step-by-step directions for completing your experiment Number step-by-step directions for completing your experiment. Your procedures must be very specific. Someone who has never seen your experiment should be able to recreate it using your materials list and procedures. When you perform your experiment, check each step on your procedures to make sure you didn’t miss anything. If you have to complete a step that isn’t included, make sure you add it in later. Add as many slides as you need to complete procedures.

Pictures Insert pictures of your science experiment here. Add another slide for pictures if you’d like. Insert pictures of your science experiment here. Add another slide for pictures if you’d like.

Data Your data must be presented in a graph or a table. Click on the blue ‘table’ icon to create a table. Change the number of columns and rows to match the data table you made. Data collected is communicated accurately through appropriate graphs, charts, or tables (10)

Results What happened during your experiment? What were the results of your experiment? Stick to the facts only. Use your table or graph to describe the data, without drawing any conclusions. What were the results of your experiment? Use your table or graph to describe the data, without drawing any conclusions. The results should only describe the data. Do not state the answer to your question or whether your hypothesis was correct. Example: The coin traveled 37 cm. Non-example (what not to do): The quarter traveled farther than the nickel. (In this case you would simply state how far each coin traveled.) This is the hardest slide to get full points on. Don’t forget to check with your teacher to make sure you’re doing it right! Results accurately describe the data (10)

Conclusion Restate the hypothesis word for word starting with “The hypothesis stated that…” Was your hypothesis supported, not supported, or inconclusive (partially supported)? Start with “The hypothesis was…” not “MY hypothesis”. Remember, don’t change your original hypothesis! Was your hypothesis correct or incorrect? Remember, an incorrect hypothesis is okay. What is the answer to your original question? Conclusion is supported by the data and answers the question

Abstract Write one paragraph that concisely explains all parts of your experiment. Tell about your question, hypothesis, experiment, results, and conclusions.

Resources Remember the research notes you typed on slide 2? Here you just make a list of all resources in alphabetical order. Use bullets to separate them. What books, encyclopedia, or internet sites did you use? Book Title (underlined and correctly capitalized), author’s first and last names (both capitalized) Internet web site title and URL (the www part)

Question for Future Research When we perform science experiments, we often start wondering about new questions that are related to our topic. What new question do you have about the topic you studied? What other research would you do if you had more time? When we perform science experiments, we often start wondering about new questions that are related to our topic. What new question do you have about the topic you studied?