Sewing Buttons
Sew-Through Buttons Has two or four holes through it and no loop on the back.
Shank Button Has a stem on the back.
Steps to sewing a sew-through button: Start on the under side of the fabric, and bring the needle and thread to the right side. Stick the needle and thread through one hole in the button. Place a toothpick/pin across the top of the button to allow room to create a shank.
3. Finish stitching so that the needle and thread are under the button. 4. Remove the toothpick. Pull the button to the top of the thread loop. Wind the thread several times around the stitches under the button to create a shank. 5. Secure the thread by taking several small stitches in the fabric and knot it on the wrong side.
Sewing a shank button 1. Start on the under side of the fabric, and bring the needle and thread to the right side. 2.Go through the shank and back down to the wrong side. Repeat this about six times. 3. Tie a knot on the wrong side of the fabric.
Which Type is This?
Which Type is This?
Button Bracelet Directions 1. Measure a piece of elastic to fit around your wrist. Use a partner to help you. 2. Choose 3-5 buttons, at least one shank and one sew-through button. 3. Hand stitch the elastic ends together to create a circle. 4. Practice your button sewing skills.