Gardener A green career
Introduction Gardening is a awesome career, as it keeps you outside most of the time and you work with plants everyday. At the moment there are several gardening jobs on various job websites including Catholic Education, Jobs Gov. WA and Seek. To be a gardener one has to have the ability to work hard and not withstanding the weather. I choose this career as I was once a gardener and I wanted to examine this career more in depth. Please enjoy my presentation. Or An interesting career Many jobs I once worked as a Gardener
What they do? How they do it? A gardener takes care of both public and private parks and gardens. They plant trees, shrubs and flowers. Further, they care for lawns and planted lawns. They might also maintain basic irrigation systems. Finally, gardeners trim hedges, weed gardens and shape trees. Or They take care of public and private parks and gardens. They plant and care for gardens. They maintain basic irrigation systems. They maintain trees and hedges.
Working Conditions
Salary $41 600 and $51 999 per year (Careers WA) $35,701 to $42,513 per year after tax (Money Smart)
Education and training Just work experience Certificate II and III in Horticulture or Certificate III Horticulture (Parks and Gardens) Apprenticeship or traineeship (12 to 36 months)
Health and Safety Issues What sort of PPE does this job require? Masks Steel toe boots Long sleeve shirts and pants Gloves Safety Glasses Sunscreen Wide brim hat
Job availability Seek - 71 jobs in Perth, WA Jobs WA GOV – 35 jobs including cleaners CEWA – 2 Jobs
Conclusion Would I go back to gardening?
References Fair Work ( you/help-resolving-workplace-issues) Work Safe ( Career Centre ( Jobs WA Government ( CEWA ( Seek (