Unit Two: Identity and Social Justice
Objective & ”Big” Idea: How does identity influence an individual’s freedom and their access to societal benefits?
Social Justice The full participation and inclusion of all people in society. Protection of legal, civil, and human rights Goal is to achieve a just and equitable society where all share the prosperity of that society Achieved individually and collaboratively thought social action
Identity Sense of self, acceptance, belonging, and citizenship Evolving and changing Migration Media Technology Cultural Pluralism (smaller groups maintaining their identities while being part of a whole) Social Justice and identity intersect when: one group’s identity is diminished, or in conflict with another group A group is able to dominate another group
Freedom: Two Types Freedom From/Negative Freedom: Freedom from interference by other people, other groups in society so that an individual can reach their potential. Societal expectations, violence, pressure to conform, economic pressure
Positive Freedom/ Free to: Presence of power and ability Able to be autonomous, make your own decisions Reach your potential
Discussion In your groups discuss the following and be prepared to share the results of your discussion To what extent are individuals responsible for their material success? Somewhat? Almost completely?
Oppression The injustices and disadvantages some individuals or groups suffer as a consequence of intentional or unintentional practices with in a society Laws Against Gay Marriage Forced sterilization of intellectually disabled persons in Alberta Aboriginal Residential Schools
Power The ability, or potential to bring about significant change in a society, or in people’s lives Based on dominance of: Sex Age Race Ethnicity Sexual orientation Mental or physical ability Socioeconomic class etc. . . . Inequity of power is one of the most common causes of social injustice
Matrix of Oppression Created by Patricia Hill Collins Illustrates issue of oppression concerned with Age Race Gender Class Sexual orientation ability One example of a domination model Many factors contribute to how it is interpreted
Empowerment Addressing and eliminating legal and institutional injustices that have excluded individuals or groups from full participation in society
Discrimination Occurs when a person suffers disadvantages or is denied opportunities available to other members of society based on the following: Sex Age sexual orientation Race Religion Physical or mental ability
Also includes “adverse effect discrimination” May be overt, such as a law or policy that is explicitly intended to treat individuals or groups differently Also includes “adverse effect discrimination” A law or rule is applied equally or consistently in a way that results in certain individual groups being disadvantaged (University entrance requirements discriminate against groups that have historically not been able to acquire those requirements )
Discussion Read Kansas Bill 2453 and discuss the following: Which rights are being protected? Should an individual be forced to provide services to individuals who are in violation of their personal religious beliefs? How could this Bill negatively effect individuals at large, society as a whole? Overall, is this Bill discriminatory or does it protect individual rights? Be prepared to share you responses.