Behind the Wheel 1
Controlled Braking EX 3 c. 50 ft a. 14 ft Brake Cue b. 100 ft 2 Expert = a. 12 ft, b. 100 ft, c. 50 ft.
Straight Line – Forward Tracking EX 4 a. 10 ft 3
Backing EX 5 a. 14 ft 4
Serpentine EX 6 b. 50 ft a. 14 ft 5 Expert = a. 12 ft, b. 48 ft,
Perception of Time Objectives – EX 7 6
Diminishing Clearance EX 8 50 ft. d. 8 ft 4 in c. 8 ft 6 in b. 8 ft 8 in a. 8 ft 10 in 7
Right-Hand Turn EX 9 This is the correct way to make a right turn. Make sure the lane that the bus is entering or encroaching is clear. Right-Hand Turn EX 9 8
Left-Hand Turn EX 9 Make sure that you have a suitable and sufficient gap to make a left hand turn. Observe the speed and actions of oncoming traffic. 9
Intersections EX 10 From the drivers seat what potential dangers would you observe at an intersection? 10
Lane Changing / Passing - EX 11
Driving in a Restricted Space – EX 12 100 ft 13 ft 80 ft 14 ft 12 ft 20 ft 100 ft 100 ft 12
Driving in a Restricted Space – EX 12 13
Starting and Stopping on Grades EX 13 14
Backup Turnaround EX14 15
Cul-De-Sac Turnaround 90 ft Radius Expert = 60 ft. Radius and 11 ft. Entry Cul-De-Sac Turnaround EX15 16 16 ft
Loading and Unloading – EX 16 Danger Zone Danger Zone 17
Railroad Crossing – EX 17 50 ft. Railroad 15 ft. 18
Railroad Crossing EX 17 19
Evacuation – EX 18 Emergency Danger Zone 100 ft. 20
Placement of Reflective Triangles - EX 19 100 ft. 10 ft. 100 ft. 21
Placement of Reflective Triangles - EX 20 10 ft. 100 ft. to 500 ft. 100 ft. 22
Sudden Loss of Visibility - EX 21 23
Reaction/Evasive Maneuver – EX 22 a. 14 ft. a. 14 ft. b. 60 ft. Expert = a. 12 ft, b. 30 ft. 24