The Christian and Public Worship (2) Attitudes in Worship
The Seriousness of Worship Worship is – prostrating oneself, doing obeisance, “to kiss the hand of”, etc. It is engaging in specified acts designed to glorify God. Consider various positions mentioned in prayer – they show reverence for God
Seriousness of Worship Worship is NOT: Entertainment About you showing off About you doing what you want
Seriousness of Worship God is worthy of our worship! Revelation 22:9, John 4:23-24 He created us and sustains us He loves us and has given us His grace, mercy, etc. He is worthy Reverence Heb. 12:28
Seriousness of Worship Examples of reverence Moses – Exodus 3:5-6 Ezra reading the Law – Nehemiah 8:5 Psalm 89:7 God is Spirit – John 4:24. We must consider this as we worship Him (Acts 17:24)
Seriousness of Worship Casualness in worship Seen in loose versions Songs and prayers The way we dress The social gospel influence Attitudes and actions – i.e. habitually late, etc.
Worshipping God in Spirit John 4:24 Attitudes in Worship Worshipping God in Spirit John 4:24 We worship from the heart. More than mere ritual Romans 1:9 Romans 6:17-18
Attitudes in Worship Worshipping God in Truth John 4:24 We must follow His instructions! Matthew 15:9 God has always given instructions and expects them to be followed and respected (cf. Heb. 8:5)
Attitudes in Worship Worshipping God in Truth In each act of public worship we find: God is glorified We are edified It is simple and can be done anywhere Be careful before you think you can improve on His instructions!
Attitudes in Worship Purity of life Psalm 29:2, Worship Him in the beauty of holiness When we are genuinely serving Him, worship will be joyful Amos 5:21-24 Matthew 23:25-28, 23:14, worship without purity
Attitudes in Worship Unity of purpose When we come together, we come TOGETHER! Worship brings His people together physically and in thought 1 Corinthians 11:17-18 Matthew 5:23-24 (Heb. 13:15) bring your gifts
Worship is no place for arrogance. Attitudes in Worship Humility Worship is no place for arrogance. Psalm 138:6 Luke 18:10-14 Matthew 6:5
When we are thankful to God, it helps our worship. Attitudes in Worship Gratitude When we are thankful to God, it helps our worship. He has given, we want to give back to Him Colossians 4:2 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
What is your attitude in worship?