Team Members: Advisor: Tim Gerade Professor Thein Caleigh MacPherson Jonathan Wilson Nick Grauel Drew Garvey Antoine Procyk James Clifford Advisor: Professor Thein
Overview NASA Lunabotics mining competition International university based teams On-site Mining in the Lunarena Systems Engineering Paper Outreach Project Slide Presentation Team Spirit Competition
Basic Rules A point reduction for each kilogram the bot weighs Maximum volume of 1.5m x 0.75m x 0.75m Maximum weight limit of 80kg Must mine 10kg of simulant in 10min A point reduction of 1pts for every 50kbit/s of bandwidth A point reduction of 8pts for every 1kg of mass Remotely controlled from control station 50m away Closed circuit television
Controls Goals Design a safe, durable casing for the power supply. Will implement an emergency shut-off switch to power supply. Create a sturdy, airtight, padded controls box. Connect the Arduino to different inputs from the bot. Design control systems to give the bot autonomy.
The LunaBot Chassis Mining App Controls Drivetrain
Budget * Travel cost subject to change
Gant Chart