Scramble for Africa 4 Reasons: To get natural resources “White Man’s Burden” – racist view that it was the European’s job to civilize the Africans Nationalism – Europeans raced to gain territories to prove their strength Spread Christianity Berlin Conference – following the initial “scramble”, European powers met to discuss how to divide up Africa. Africans were not invited to the conference. Imperialism – when a stronger nation controls a weaker nation socially, economically, and politically
African Nationalism Pan-Africanism = Africans would recognize their common history and heritage, and come together for a common cause- “Africa for Africans” (get rid of European rule, unite against European influence) Early African nationalists received western education. Leaned about the French Revolution Learned about the American Revolution
Nationalist Leaders Jomo Kenyatta Kwame Nkhrumah Help Kenya gain independence Non-violent tactics Kwame Nkhrumah Helped Ghana gain independence
Boer Wars (South Africa) Zulus were native people of South Africa Boers were the Dutch farmers – first Europeans to settle South Africa Settled in the transvaal – fertile land Diamonds and gold were discovered British had abolished slavery; Boers relied on slavery British fought Boers for control of South Africa British gained control of South Africa
Apartheid Defined – South African policy of separateness (legal separation of whites and blacks in South Africa) Whites minority held all the political power and wealth Black majority held no political power, carried passes, lived in the homelands/shantytowns, received limited education, and were poor. ANC – African National Congress. Fought against apartheid, and for equality for blacks UN implemented trade embargos: weapons and oil. Hurt the economy of South Africa.
Apartheid/Post -Apartheid Mandela Leader of the ANC (African National Congress) Initially, used non-violent tactics to fight apartheid After little success, he used more violent tactics Jailed, sentenced life imprisonment, served 27 yrs. 1994, released by DeKlerk Elected president of South Africa Shared Noble Peace Prize w DeKlerk DeKlerk (white) president 1980’s early ’90’s. Freed political prisoners (including Nelson Mandela) New constitution providing more rights for blacks Shared Nobel Peace Prize with Mandela Tutu Disagreed with the inferior school system the government set up for blacks Spoke out against apartheid Encouraged economic boycott Priest, archbishop Led the Truth and Reconciliation Committee