1775: New York and the Revolutionary War Connie Class 4-305 Ms. Belfer June 2006
When:1775 Who: New York and the 12 Colonies Where: New York Harbor Rev collage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Rev_collage.png ,June 16,2006
What happened in NY during the Revolutionary War? New York was one of the thirteen British colonies that fought the Revolutionary War. The Revolutionary War was against Great Britain. The Revolutionary war is known as the American War of Independence. About one-third of the engagements were fought on New York soil. After eight years of fighting, the poor colonies won. The colonies became the United States of America. The colonies had the Revolutionary War because the colonies didn’t like paying taxes. The colonies also didn’t like the way the king of England treated them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Revolutionary_War , Retrieved June 21,2006
How did the Revolutionary War affect the New York and the twelve colonies that we live in today? The Revolutionary War had a huge impact on New York and the other 12 colonies. Before the Revolutionary War, all of the thirteen colonies belonged to England. After winning the war, the colonies were free from England. The colonies become states and were the beginning of the United States of America.
Photos and Websites The Revolutionary War. http://www.iloveny.com/kids/history_pre_1900.asp ,June 16,2006 Washington and Lafayette at Valley Forge. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Washington_and_Lafayette_at_Valley_Forge.jpg ,June 16,2006
Websites for Research www.tekmom.com http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/coney/ http://www.iloveny.com/kids/history_post_1900.asp http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City http://www.newyorkhistory.org/ http://home.eznet.net/~dminor/nylinks.html http://www.si.umich.edu/CHICO/Harlem/index.html http://www.alexanderhamiltonexhibition.org/ http://www.pocanticohills.org/washington/washington.htm http://Nylearns.org/bbelfer