Warm Up 8/27/2015: Pick a place in the world that you have visited. (Respond to the following questions in complete sentences) Do not write the ?’s. What did you see? What was the landscape like? What was the weather like? What were the people like? What was the vegetation or animals like?
Two Major Types of Geography Physical Landscape Weather/Climate Rocks/Minerals Environment Rivers/Oceans/water Human People Culture Ethnic Groups Religion Government Families
Five Themes of Geography
Human-Environment Interaction 5 THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY PLACE REGION LOCATION Human-Environment Interaction MOVEMENT
The 5 Themes(Main Subject) Where is it? Location What is it like there? Place How are places similar or different? Region How goods, Ideas and cultures move from one place to another? Movement How do people adapt or change the environment? Human Environment Interaction
Deals with measurement. 2 types of locations: absolute relative
The exact location of a place on earth. Latitude/Longitude Absolute Location The exact location of a place on earth. Latitude/Longitude Address for home etc.
How one place is related to another. Directions on how to get there. Relative location How one place is related to another. Directions on how to get there.
Absolute or Relative? Down the street from HEB Latitude and Longitude Address of house Take a right at the stop light. My house is on the left
Geographers try to show how each place is unique.
Place deals with physical/human characteristics.
What is the difference between these places?
Many places with together features that set it apart from other areas. REGION Many places with together features that set it apart from other areas. Kids today! What can you expect. Excuse me, does anyone speak English?
movement Physical movement of the earth as well as people, goods, and ideas.
HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION How do people interact with the environment. How do they change it.
H.E.I Adapt to Depend Modify