A comparison to understand the influence of politics on everyday life Birma VJ ; berichten uit een gesloten land http://www.npo.nl/holland-doc/29-07-2010/POW_00286445
Assignment (15 minutes) Describe how your everyday life would be if the Netherlands would have a dictatorship and compare it with your everyday life in our democracy. Hand in your written account at the end of this lesson (around 200 words). Homework: Read Chapter 1 (page 82 – 89)
Politics and power from a global perspective https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeCtO3uMEzk
Politics is about the question: who gets what and why? In the end politics is backed by force. So an interesting question is: which country is most powerful in the world? Question: what is the message of Jeremy Scahill in his documentary ‘Dirty Wars’(2013)?
Programme Introduction and Learning goals Writing assignment ‘Dirty Wars’ (15 minutes) Questions about chapter 1 What are politics (p.82 - 87) Definition politics *additional info Question about democracy and dictatorship Assignment new school curriculum Three models of democracy * additional info
Learning goals this lesson You are able to: describe how US global politics influences our lives; mention two definitions of politics; evaluate the usefulness of democracy and dictorship; describe three different models of democracy;
Writing assignment What is the message of Jeremy Scahill in his documentary ‘Dirty Wars’(2013)? How is this related to our way of living, our daily lives in the Netherlands? (write a short essay of about 300 words)
Questions about chapter 1 What are politics (p.82- 87)
Learning goals chapter 1 What are politics? You are able to: mention two definitions of politics; describe three different models of democracy; list the features of a dictatorship. compare and contrast autocratic and totalitarian dictatorships. compare and contrast a dictatorship and a democracy. list the features of a democracy and recognize them in a context. compare and contrast a parliamentary system and a presidential system. explain how the Dutch Constitution reflects the values of freedom and equality. describe the theories about democracy of Michels and Lipset and relate the theories to given context.
*Additional information Definitions of politics: “The way in which a country is governed” (limited definition, used in the book) “Politics is about who gets what and why” (broader definition)
Is (indirect) democracy always better than dictatorship? Question Is (indirect) democracy always better than dictatorship?
Assignment Democracy the best? (10 minutes) A decision has to be taken about a new school curriculum, which subjects our school wants to teach (or no longer wants to teach). Discuss in groups of four and write your answers down (10 minutes): Who should take this decision and why (the principal, teachers, parents, students)? What is the most effective and efficient way of making this decision and why? What is the fairest way of making this decision and why? What is the most democratic way of making this decision and why? What is the best method to take this decision and why?
*Additonal information Three models of democracy The majority model: the majority decides. The consensual model: finding agreement via negotiation involving as many people as possible and taking as many minority interests in account as possible. The deliberative model: by discussing all viewpoints, people must come to an understanding what the most reasonable option is for everyone.
Political Systems 1.2 DICTATORSHIP 1.3 DEMOCRACY No division of power (e.g. no independent courts) Restrictions on individual freedom Restrictions on political freedom (censorship) Much government violence (without the possibility to complaint) 1.3 DEMOCRACY Free elections on regular basis Separation of powers (Trias Politica) Individual freedom Basic political rights Army and police have restricted power Independent judicial system Freedom of press
Political Systems: Dictatorship & democracy Autocratic dictatorships Single ruler Small powerful elite Sometimes quick succesions No ideology Totalitarian dictatorships Fairly large group leading people One ideological/ religious party Complete control over society Direct democracy Indirect democracy Parliamentary democracy Citizens elect parliament Non-elected head of state Presidential system Citizens elect parliament and the head of state President composes government
1.4 Theories about democracy and dictatorship Robert Michels: ‘Iron law of oligarcy’ Seymour Lipset: Increase of prosperity and education will lead to more democracy