FOOD SCIENCE LAB EQUIPMENT Let’s take a few minutes to look at some simple equipment used in food science labs. Presentation prepared by Alice F. Mullis January 2011 1
Goggles can make a fashion statement. Science Lab Equipment GOGGLES Of course they are worn to protect your eyes. However, they do not have to be dull and boring. An added bonus is that they will help students really feel like scientists. Goggles can make a fashion statement. 2
BEAKERS Science Lab Equipment BEAKERS Beakers are used in scientific labs for research, analysis and experimentation as well as in teaching science. It is called a beaker because it has a beak which is the spout in front for pouring out liquids.
DIGITAL SCALES Science Lab Equipment DIGITAL ELECTRONIC SCALES Students will tare mass before measuring a substance (zero out the scale). 4
PETRI DISHES MARKERS Science Lab Equipment Petri dishes and permanent markers Use disposable Petri dishes. MARKERS 5
NUTRIENT AGAR OR Prepared Media Powder Mix Science Lab Equipment NUTRIENT AGAR (pronounced like “fogger” with a silent F) Nutrient agar is a microbiological growth medium commonly used for the routine cultivation of bacteria. Bacteria grown in nutrient agar grows on the surface, and is clearly visible as small colonies. The prepared media in glass bottles is my preference but it does cost more. All you do is heat and pour. One jar of prepared agar will make enough for 5 Petri dishes. The powder mix is more economical and works fine. Prepared Media Powder Mix 6
Save $ and use regular tape. Petri Seal cost around $50. Science Lab Equipment You must tape all inoculated Petri dishes closed while they are growing bacteria. Can use regular clear tape. It is affordable while “Petri Seal” tape is very expensive. 7
We will make our own kit with Q-tips and Zip-lock snack bags. STERILE SWABS We will make our own kit with Q-tips and Zip-lock snack bags. Science Lab Equipment We will make our own “SWABBING KIT” by using a small “SNACK SIZE ZIP-LOCK BAG” and Q-TIPS. It is important to avoid as much cross-contamination as possible. 8
TEST TUBES test tubes, a test tube brush for washing, a test tube rack and test tube clamps.
FUNNEL & EYE DROPPER Science Lab Equipment 10
FOOD THERMOMETERS DIGITAL INSTANT READ Science Lab Equipment Be sure to “calibrate” them frequently. DIGITAL INSTANT READ 11
ALCOHOL WIPES Science Lab Equipment 12
ERLENMEYER FLASKS Science Lab Equipment ERN - LEN - MEYER 50 mL ERLENMEYER FLASKS. Brushes are designed to wash them.
PIPETTE Science Lab Equipment Disposable pipette is on the left. Pipettes are devices that allow the users to extract or deliver small amounts of a liquid. 15
STORAGE CONTAINERS Science Lab Equipment Storage containers are labeled in the lab. 16