Participation & Voting Behavior AP Government
Conservatism opposition to gov't intervention in economy opposition to gov't intervention in social programs support for intervention to uphold morality support for strong military approves of use of force to attain goals support of balanced budget support for limited taxes
Liberalism little gov't involvement in social & economic life support for intervention in economy support for social programs against moral codes imposed by gov't against expansion of military
Libertarianism emphasis on basic rights & free market economy support freedom of trade very limited gov't with provision for defense no gov't economic or social programs abolish gov't departments (bureaucracy) abolish laws against victimless crimes
Political Scale
Increase regulation and worker protection Liberal Conservative Business Increase regulation and worker protection Ease regulation & keep gov’t out of business Taxes Increase taxes Cut taxes Abortion Pro-Choice Pro-life Social Spending Increase Decrease or maintain Defense Spending Death Penalty Ban Maintain
Reduce w/ more capitalistic policies Liberal Conservative Size of Gov’t Increase w/ more social policies Reduce w/ more capitalistic policies Same Sex Marriage Legalize Ban Affirmative Action For (maintain race based preferences) Against (ban race based preferences) ANWR Drilling Prevent drilling in Alaska Pursue this & other domestic oil sources
Protect rights of the accused Maximum punishment; rights of victims Liberal Conservative Crime Protect rights of the accused Maximum punishment; rights of victims School Vouchers End the program Expand the program Doctor Assisted Suicide Allow Prevent Minimum Wage Increase Lower or eliminate Social Security Increase age of eligibility Privatize
Make 100% government controlled Deregulate; move to free market Liberal Conservative Health Care Make 100% government controlled Deregulate; move to free market Personal Responsibility Gov’t needs to protect citizens from themselves People should be responsible & accountable for own actions Religion Separation of church & state; prevent faith based initiatives Introduce more religion in school; allow faith based initiatives
Political Participation
Forms of Political Participation Following and discussing politics Campaign activities Voting Contacting public officials Group activities (political parties, interest groups, etc) Protests
Voting Behaviors
Voting Eligibility Elimination of property requirements (1830) Elimination of racial discrimination in 15th Amendment (1870) Elimination of sexual discrimination in 19th Amendment (1920) Elimination of poll taxes in 24th Amendment (1964) Elimination of literacy tests in Voting Rights Act (1965) Elimination of several state registration laws in Voting Rights Act (1993) Reduction of voting age to 18 in 26th Amendment (1971) Reduction of residency requirement to one or two months in most states
Voter Turnout 50%+ participation in presidential elections 33% for high state offices 33% + for congressional midterm elections 20% for lower state and all local elections 38% votes every two years in elections (core electorate)
Reasons for Voting Duty and obligation of citizenship Belief that every vote counts Predicted closeness of an election Desire to influence elections & policy Identification with a party or candidate
Reasons NOT to vote Lack of interest Lack of faith in system Lack of choices between candidates Domination of area by one party Lack of transportation Illness on voting day Failure to obtain absentee ballot Out of district on voting day
Reasons to Vote for a Particular Candidate Party Affiliation Policy Vision Interest in a particular issue Personal Appeal
Public Opinion
Public Opinion Opinions of people about elected officials, candidates, public policy, and government institutions Reflection of values, beliefs and attitudes Opinions of various groups are often swayed by differences in gender, age, class, region and race
Characteristics of Public Opinion Intensity – causes a strong reaction Latency –doesn’t effect you now, but may later Salience – effects you personally Consensus – most people agree on Polarization – splits public opinion, can’t get a compromise on Stability – public opinion stays the same Fluidity – public opinion is changing
Measuring Public Opinion Polling - sample the attitudes of particular groups Questionnaires Closed ended questions needed over open ended Leading (Loaded) Questions result in inaccurate info Samples - groups of the population Random – Anyone from population can be chosen Stratified – Sample statistically mirrors population Sampling error – difference between the sample and the entire population (increase in sample size will increase reliability of survey and reduce margin of error)