Plan using/disseminating knowledge Geppo Cagnoli INFN Sez. Firenze University of Glasgow MTR Meeting – 28th Feb. 2007, Chambery
Actions undertaken year 1 Participation to the FP6 meeting organized by French Ministry of Research on 8 December 2004 and presentation of ILIAS Setting up of websites for ILIAS in general and for each of the physics topics covered Publications based on ILIAS activities, and several presentations made at conferences and workshops; total number of publications (81) and conferences (42) Networking and Joint Research activities have produced data-bases available to the international community, of significant importance not only in astroparticle research, but also for other fields such as biology and geology. Contacts with two other I3s in astronomy and astrophysics (RadioNet and Opticon). 28th Feb. 2007 ILIAS MTR - Chambery - Disseminating Knowledge
Actions undertaken year 2 Increased number of refereed papers now cite ILIAS as having had an essential role in their publication; total number of publications (87) and conferences (43) Oral presentations of specificity of ILIAS actions in conferences, scientific committees and also other I3 meetings Presentation of ILIAS at Open Symposium of the CERN Council Strategy Group, 30 January - 1 February 2006, Orsay Growing numbers of films on underground laboratories have been produced this last year, they are occasion to mention the role of ILIAS in integrating astroparticle physics in Europe Distribution of ILIAS brochure during the 3rd Annual Meeting (Gran Sasso) 28th Feb. 2007 ILIAS MTR - Chambery - Disseminating Knowledge
Actions undertaken year 3 ILIAS website updating for a more dynamic and ergonomic structure (ongoing)
Actions undertaken year 3, cont. Introductory presentation of ILIAS at 2nd World Summit, Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Galapagos Islands Distribution of ILIAS bookmarks at I3-NET meeting, 7 November 2006, London Publications citing ILIAS (ongoing) Article on Axions in CERN courier July/August 2006 28th Feb. 2007 ILIAS MTR - Chambery - Disseminating Knowledge
Actions undertaken year 3, cont. Presentations of ILIAS at different events and conferences: at RADIONET meeting, 21 April 2006, Volterra at CERN Symposium, 12 June 2006 at HEAPNet meeting, 19-20 February 2007, Amsterdam - NIKHEF at I3-NET meeting, 7 November 2006, London Actions taken in connection with the 4th Annual Meeting (Chambery) update and distribution of ILIAS brochure to the participants organisation of public lecture, about the challenges of astroparticle scientists information about the Meeting in the local press (Chambery) and in CNRS (IN2P3) e-newsletter information about the Meeting to the civil society (concrete consequence: City of Chambery offers to cover the costs of hiring the conference centre Le Manège) contact with European Physical Journal A, who have agreed to publish the proceedings of this Meeting 28th Feb. 2007 ILIAS MTR - Chambery - Disseminating Knowledge
ILIAS MTR - Chambery - Disseminating Knowledge ILIAS brochure - front 28th Feb. 2007 ILIAS MTR - Chambery - Disseminating Knowledge
ILIAS MTR - Chambery - Disseminating Knowledge ILIAS brochure - back 28th Feb. 2007 ILIAS MTR - Chambery - Disseminating Knowledge