Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Chi Square Linear Regression CATS!!!! $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy
1 - $100 Data from an SRS of property owners is cross-classified by gender and support for a new educational initiative giving the following data: Is there evidence of a relationship Between gender and support for the initiative? There is strong evidence of a relationship between gender and support. There is weak evidence of a relationship between gender and support. There is no evidence of a relationship between gender and support. Further information is needed to be able to perform a chi-square test of independence. The test is inconclusive. Male Female For 35 45 Against 55 50 C: X 2 = 1.354 and P = .2446
1 - $200 Is preference between vanilla and chocolate ice cream independent of age? What is a reasonable conclusion? There is very strong evidence of a relationship between age and ice cream preference There is weak evidence of a relationship between age and ice cream preference There is no evidence of a relationship between age and ice cream preference More information is needed E) The test is inconclusive Age 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 Prefer Vanilla 22 31 21 40 Prefer Chocolate 28 24 13 A: chi-square = 14.20, P=.0026
1 - $300 A study of accidents at a large factory reported the following numbers by shift. Is there sufficient evidence to say that the number of accidents on the three shifts are not the same? There is sufficient evidence at the .001 significance level that the number of accidents on each shift are not the same There is sufficient evidence at the .01 level but not at the .001 level There is sufficient evidence at the .05 level but not at the .01 level There is sufficient evidence at the .10 level but not the .05 level There is not sufficient evidence to say that the number of accidents on each shift are not the same Shift Morning Afternoon Night Accidents 35 77 53 A: P = .0003
1 - $400 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 12 5 9 4 15 B: expected value is 9
1 - $500 C
2 - $100 Which of the following is not true with regard to contingency tables for chi-square tests for independence? Categorical rather than quantitative variables are being considered Observed frequencies should be whole numbers Expected frequencies should be whole numbers Expected frequencies in each cell should be at least 5 The expected frequency for any cell can be found by multiplying the row total by column total and dividing by the sample size C
2 - $200 Which of the following is the proper use of a chi-square test of independence? To test whether the distribution of counts on a categorical variable matches a claimed distribution To test whether the distribution of counts on a numerical variable matches a claimed distribution To test whether the distribution of two different groups on the same categorical variable matches To test whether two categorical variables on the same subjects are related To test whether two numerical variables on the same subjects are related D
2 - $300 E Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Solved 124 98 103 Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Solved 124 98 103 Not Solved 55 63 57 E
2 - $400 A Public Private Taking AP Stat 33 77 Not Taking AP Stat 47 Public Private Taking AP Stat 33 77 Not Taking AP Stat 47 43 A
2 - $500 E: expecteds not all > 5 Three professors are interviewed as to a sampling of their grades, and the following table gives the resulting counts. A statistics student runs a chi-square test for homogeneity. What is the most proper conclusion? There is no evidence of a relationship between these professors and grades. There is evidence at the 10% level but not the 5% level that the professors give different grade distributions There is evidence at the 5% level but not the 1% level that the professors give different grade distributions There is evidence at the 1% level that the professors give different grade distributions A chi-square test of homogeneity is not appropriate Professor A Professor B Professor C A, B 3 8 12 C 15 9 D, F 2 4 E: expecteds not all > 5
3 - $100 E
3 - $200 In a random sample of 25 high school students, each was interviewed as to GPA and weekly hours worked at part-time jobs. What is the critical t-value in calculating a 90% confidence interval estimate for the slope of the resulting least squares regression line? A) 1.645 B) 1.703 C) 1.708 D) 1.711 E) 1.714 E
3 - $300 C
3 - $400 D
3 - $500 Can dress size be predicted from a woman’s height? In a random sample of 20 female high school students, dress size versus height (cm) gives the following: Predictor Coef Coef SE T P Constant -48.81 30.57 -1.60 0.128 Height 0.3736 0.1898 1.97 0.065 S = 4.4672 R-Sq = 17.7% R-Sq(adj) = 13.1% What is the correct interpretation of .3736? 37.36% of variation in dress size can be explained by this linear model. .3736 is a measure of the variability in the set of residuals. .3736 is a measure of the variability in heights For every 1 cm increase in height, there is a predicted increase of .3736 in dress size on average. For every 1 size increase in dress size, there is a predicted increase of .3736 cm in height on average. D
4 - $100 B
4 - $200 E
4 - $300 D
4 - $400 E
4 - $500 A
5 - $100 Where do cats sweat? Through their foot pads
5 - $200 Which president kept four cats in the Whitehouse? Lincoln
5 - $300 How many muscles do cats have in each ear? 32… all which help to ignore you.
5 - $400 What is the term for a group of cats? Clowder
5 - $500 Stubbs, a senior tabby cat was actually elected the mayor of a city in which US state? Alaska
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