2nd Industrial Revolution When was it again?
Natural Resources fuel Industrialization Oil is discovered in the US and they figure out how to drill for it Oil was being used to make kerosene for lamps Gas was a byproduct of kerosene and was at first discarded Steel Coal and iron deposits were also found Iron is a weak metal that rusts Found a way to take the carbon out to create steel a stronger metal Steel was used to build the railroads, suspension bridges, farm equipment, and sky scrapers
Inventions Electricity was created by Thomas Edison after he discovered the light bulb Now, factories did not have to be by a source of power. The power came to them! Type writer and telephone also changed society Women went from having only 5% of office jobs in 1870 to 40% in 1910
Environmental Changes Case Study: Cleveland, Ohio The farms of Cleveland changed to the smokestacks of the Standard Oil Refinery There was a lot of pollution in both the air and the water from the booming business Companies were dumping oil into the Cuyahoga River It set on fire three times because of the pollution: 1936, 1952, 1969 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlHiaZFvcXA
Railroads: The Good Many people were moving westward and there was a need to have transportation from coast to coast The government gave railroad companies land grants and loans The railroads brought about many changes including the need for standardized time Time zones were created to meet this need The creation of the railroads allowed for more trade and an interdependence between cities
Railroads: The Bad The railroads also allowed for a great deal of corruption Land was being sold to businesses instead of people as intended and companies worked together to fix high rates for transportation Their corruption led them to bankruptcy This contributed to the greatest depression of that time, the Panic of 1893
Integration Horizontal Integration: merging of companies that make similar products Vertical Integration: when a company takes over suppliers and distributors to control quality and costs Examples: Andrew Carnegie bought out suppliers and distributors for steal (vertical) John Rockefeller bought out other oil refineries (horizontal)