Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Monika Schönerklee-Grasser Linking innovation actors in smart specialisation areas in central Europe
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Key facts and figures
Priority axes Environment & Culture Innovation Low carbon Transport
Funding opportunities for S3 cooperation SO 1.1: Improving sustainable linkages among actors of the innovation systems Boosting regional innovation capacities Improving the bottom up implementation of S3 Cooperation of S3 stakeholders sharing common technology priority areas Energy & Environment Advanced manufacturing Advanced materials & nanotechnology Agro- & Bio-economy Transport & Mobility ICT & Electronics Public health, medicine & life sciences Triple and quadruple helix approaches
From idea to business Project “FabLABNET” (2,7 MEUR) Aim: To strengthen innovation potentials in business creation (establishing a CE network of FabLabs) Creating links to S3 strategies (thematic specialisation) and policy actors within innovation ecoystems Increasing awareness on impacts of FabLabs on innovation performance Active involvement of S3 stakeholders: public authorities, innovation agencies, etc. via consultations and Fab Net events AT (Vienna), CZ (South Moravia), DE (Nürnberg), HR (Zagreb), HU (Budapest), IT (Prov. of Trento), PL (Bielsko-Biala), SI (Ljubljana) and SK (Bratislava)
Entrepreneurship in food industry Project “I-CON” (2,2 MEUR) Aim: To improve entrepreneurial skills within the food value chain in peripheral areas Contributing to implementation of S3 strategies of participating regions Interdisciplinary approach involving key S3 stakeholders: “knowledge partners” of different sectors: mechatronics, biotech (food safety & quality), design (packaging) & “regional partners” AT (Upper Austria), DE (Stuttgart), HU (South Transdanubian Region), IT (Emilia Romagna, Veneto), PL (whole country), SI (whole country) and SK (whole country)
Time line and applicant support Launch of third call on 21-22 September 2017 at programme conference (Berlin) More information available as of July 2017 at www.interreg-central/apply Thematic workshops and applicant training events planned for autumn 2017
Contacts Monika Schönerklee-Grasser Joint Secretariat | Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme +43 1 8908088-2421