WavPad Audio Editor Tutorial
This tutorial will demonstrate how to join two audio files together, with one second of silence between them, to create one new audio file. This can be useful if you have several audio files that you wish to play consecutively, but don't want your listener to have to select the next track in a media player.
We start by opening up the main program
Click on File in the upper left corner of the program window, then select Open File
Select the two files you wish to join together then click Open
The sound files are now displayed
Bring the file that will go at the beginning into focus clicking on it, then click on Edit, then Insert Silence at End.
Enter the number of milliseconds of silence you want to append. For one second, enter 1000.
One second of silence has been added to the end of the first file, now bring the 2nd file into focus.
Click on Edit, then Select All
The entire 2nd audio file is selected
Click on Edit, then Copy
Bring the first file into focus and click in the file window after the one minute of silence we added.
Click on Edit, then Paste
The second file is added to the end Of the first file,creating one new file
To save file click on File, then click on Save File As
Type in a new file name, then select a file type. Click on Save.
download this software This concludes the Wav Pad Audio Editor tutorial. To download this software please visit http://www.nch.com.au/software/audio.html