Reception Summer 1 Term 2018 Down on the Farm. This overview aims to provide you with enough information to be able to share and discuss the activities being covered in school with your child. It may also provide opportunities for you to visit places of interest connected with the learning taking place at school. It may be that having read the overview you are able to offer experiences and/or resources to enrich your child’s learning experiences. Reception Summer 1 Term 2018 Down on the Farm. This pamphlet outlines the content of the curriculum to be covered this term. PE days this year will be Alternating Monday and Fridays. Exciting dates for this term include: Stunning Start Meet the Lambs/ Be a Farmer. Wednesday 18th April. Monday 7th May BANK HOLIDAY Tuesday 8th May Class photo’s Wednesday 16th May. Day at Rookery Farm. Friday 18th May Royal Wedding dress down Day Friday 25th May Class R assembly
Subject Objectives we will cover Maths English Creative Measure: Children can use everyday language to compare capacity, length and weight. Counting: Children can count an irregular arrangement of ten then up to 20 items. Children can count in groups of two five and ten. Shape: Children continue to develop mathematical names for 2d and 3d shapes and how they are used in the environment around them, Children correctly name 3D shapes when they construct their junk modelling models. Problem solving: Children can add and subtract two single digit numbers together. Children can use their own interests to work out mathematical problems, such as if one cow has four legs how many legs would two cows have?? English Speaking and listening: Through small group work, circle time and role play areas. (Farm shop, healthy eating café, outside farm, mud kitchen , home corner.) Letters will be introduced and learnt by name and sound, (Phase three consolidation and phase four split digraphs) sounds will be blended together to make words. Simple sentences read and written. Handwriting will be practised through focussed letter formation sessions, free writing will be accessible alongside planned activities. Labelling pictures and writing short sentences. Reading; Non fiction farm facts and are the focus of this term, a range of texts will be shared with children through whole class reading, group and individual reading. Understanding the World Children understand similarities and differences within their immediate environment and how environments may differ and change. Children continue to observe how green plants grow and change and investigate life cycles of chickens and farm animals. Children continue to follow simple computer programs. Creative Children will be exploring different untuned instruments and the sounds they make. Using junk modelling children will make instruments and explore 3d shapes using correct mathematical names. Children will create own junk models for farmyard animals and role play. Children will used mixed media to create their own topic display board. Physical development Gym: Children will move with control around hall negotiating space successfully. Outdoor: Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. Within tag rugby they move confidently in a range of ways and safely negotiate space. Fine Motor: Developing correct finger hold and correct use of small tools. PSHCE Personal, Social, Health and Community Education Self awareness: Children will be encouraged throughout second half of the year to develop their independence, try new activities and say when they do and don’t need help. Circle times: Children develop confidence to share news with whole class. They develop own ideas and develop sensitivity to the needs of others. Children develop confidence to speak in familiar groups. Culture and community: Children are aware of differences between themselves and their peers. They understand that children enjoy and celebrate different customs.